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  1. W

    Question about DDP and DVC Reservations

    Hi All! I have a question. I'm planning on renting points from a DVC member for a vacation in June 2009 (only 385 days away). :lookaroun I want to purchase the Disney Dining Plan and I've heard that you don't have to purchase it at the same time you make the reservation. Is this true? When do...
  2. W

    Our MK is poor next to Disneyland!!

    I agree with alot of your observations. I grew up in Southern California so DL has a special place in my heart. However.... when I go to WDW our family spends at least 10 days. I couldn't imagine doing that at Disneyland. DL's great but it doesn't have that much to offer. California Adventure...
  3. W

    Curious, what do people who have only been to Disneyland think of Disney World?

    I grew up in California and I have a soft spot in my heart for Disneyland. There are some aspects of DL that I think far surpass WDW. Pirates is far more elaborate at DL. The outside of Small World is much better at DL and there are some things that can only be experienced at DL like Mr. Toad...
  4. W

    What do you all think about Riverside?

    I stayed with my wife at Riverside on our first WDW trip in May of 1993. I haven't stayed there since but all i can say is that you never forget your first love.:) I've spoken with several people who went to Riverside during the past year. All of them loved it.
  5. W

    What at WDW Makes You Cry...

    If you are so mad, angry, bitter, and opinionated that you can't get on a completely non-partisan, a-political discussion board without having to spout your bilge I think you should avoid Hall of Presidents and Disney World altogether. I'm very interested in keeping up with current events...
  6. W

    Keeping children out of school to go to WDW

    In our district, it's very easy to take a kid out of elementry school (our school goes from grades 1 - 8) but in High School they'd better be hospitalized or dead! In the future, we're going to have to observe 4 Disneyless years or at least 4 years of going without our daughter (I refuse to go...
  7. W

    Hall Of Presidents update

    I think there's a problem whenever you look into the political ramifacations of any such attraction. Yes, Lincoln is a safe bet (he was terribly unpopular during his presidency) but if your bringing up "all the old presidents" and thier "contribution to the nation" most historians would have...
  8. W

    Hall Of Presidents update

    One of my favorite memories at WDW was being at HOP in May of 1995. Everyone cheered during the role call for Reagan and booed LBJ, Carter and Clinton. Nowadays it would be great if W. could point his finger at that audience and say "Hey, even if you all are conservative you gotta stop doing...
  9. W

    Your Favorite land

    It's hard to pick a favorite. My favorite rides are in Frontierland but there's something really special about Fantasyland. By far my least favorite is Toontown or Mickey's Country Fair or whatever they call it. I'd like to see them put in a big attraction (at least Disneyland has the Roger...
  10. W

    Why are there so many people who don't like Epcot??

    I just saw some recent postings from members who don't seem to like Epcot very much. Several spoke about how "Honey, I Shrunk the Audience" is far and away thier least favorite 3-D Show at WDW. (Admittedly I like Mickey's Phil. more, but I still love "Honey, I..."). In the same posting someone...
  11. W

    Mission: Space Lawsuit - A New Perspective

    This sort of corporation bashing attitude is exactly why so many people (including myself) despise most lawyers. (Let me guess, you're an attorney:lol: ). The current legal system keeps life-saving drugs off the market, drives the price of consumer goods up, drives medical costs through the roof...
  12. W

    Major Announcement Secret is Out

    Dear awalkinthepark, This morning I went to the end of this subject and and quickly scanned this posting. For about 15 seconds, I thought that this was a real prize being offered by WDW. I about had a heart attack. Imagine my disappointment when I came to realize that this was only a dream...
  13. W

    Raglin Road or Wolfgang Pucks

    I've got a question. I know the WDW Themeparks, Restaurants and Resorts pretty well but I'm alot less familiar with Downtown Disney. My wife and I don't drink. I don't dance very well so P.I. isn't for us. I don't like shopping so the Marketplace has little appeal. However, on our next trip...
  14. W

    Who Wants to be a Millionaire closing in August

    The posting on June 7 said that a four year time frame was being talked about to build this new attraction. When WDW closes Millionaire, I'd hate to see nothing in its place for FOUR YEARS! By the way, when are they gonna do something with the Wonders of Life Pavilion? I was looking at...
  15. W

    Price to stay in Castle after next year?

    One of my problems with an overnighter in the castle is that I just can't imagine feeling like we'd really be alone. I know that in any public hotel you're really not alone. But think of looking out on thousands of visitors arriving as early as 6:00 a.m. during early entry, many of them thinking...
  16. W

    Why is Winnie the Pooh a joke at Disneyland?

    I agree. The Frontierland location for Disneyland's Pooh is close to Splash Mountain and Big Thunder Mountain - more grownup attractions with height restrictions. I felt that Pooh looked a little out of place in its Disneyland location. However, I'm soooo grateful that they didn't take out Mr...
  17. W

    Price to stay in Castle after next year?

    Hey, I was wondering about something. Let's say you've booked a stay at one of the WDW resorts and then in the middle of your trip you win a night in Cindy's Castle. Does the resort give you a refund for the one night you didn't stay?:p
  18. W

    Things you don't get

    I don't get people who shove thier way to the front of the line in a theater, then when the doors are opened and they're told to go all the way to the end of the row, filling in any empty seats, the plop thier butts down right in the middle of the row forcing others to climb over them. BAD FORM!
  19. W

    Help solve a family fight!!

    We always go 11 or 12 days and many of my friends can't believe we stay as long as we do. Have you ever had a friend come up to you and say "we're going to Disney World. I hear you know a lot about WDW and I'd like your help planning an itinerary. We'll be there four days and one of those days...
  20. W

    DVC Entry?

    The dining plan is 37.99 for adults per day and 10.99 a day for children ages 3-9. (I suppose as with everything else, there could be some price increases by next year.) The free dining promotion doesn't begin until August 13 this year. I think everyone was surprised when it was offered this...
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