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  1. Sadiebird

    Room location with least "sway" on Disney Cruise

    We actually had one other experience on the cruise that I have a question about. As it was our first cruise, we had no idea about the waiter tipping until we were on board. Our waiters were great, so we followed the recommended tipping amounts on the envelopes. The last morning of the cruise...
  2. Sadiebird

    Room location with least "sway" on Disney Cruise

    You're probably right. But there were things that I really loved about the cruise though, that we're considering trying it again. I LOVED Castaway Cay. And when we were sailing during the day I was fine. It was just when the boat picked up speed on the first night to get to the first port...
  3. Sadiebird

    Room location with least "sway" on Disney Cruise

    Hmm. I wonder what the noises were that I was hearing then? Are there any generators or anything like that near that area of the boat?
  4. Sadiebird

    Room location with least "sway" on Disney Cruise

    I never even bothered to try regular version of Mission:Space because I assumed I wouldn't do well on it. I've been on the less intense one, but obviously, that means nothing without the spinning. Yes, I recall not being able to walk in a straight line down the corridors on my first night...
  5. Sadiebird

    Room location with least "sway" on Disney Cruise

    How about June? Is it a little calmer then? Didn't know about the creaking, since it was our first cruise. Our room was also very noisy. I think we were near an engine. I imagine if I were to book another cruise I could ask if the room is near an engine? One other question. Is it common...
  6. Sadiebird

    Room location with least "sway" on Disney Cruise

    Is there a time of the year when the water is calmer and there would be less swaying overall? Our last trip was in November and I wonder if the water is rougher that time of year.
  7. Sadiebird

    Room location with least "sway" on Disney Cruise

    We were pretty close to the center of the ship. I'm thinking we may need to choose a lower level and take an inside state room.
  8. Sadiebird

    Room location with least "sway" on Disney Cruise

    DH, DS, and I went on a 4 night Disney Cruise to the Bahamas in the fall of '07. It was our first cruise and there were parts of it that we really enjoyed, but I had a really difficult time with the sway of the boat. I was never nauseous, but just felt out of sorts with the constant movement...
  9. Sadiebird

    I was wrong...about what Disney's target market is...

    Just experienced the same kind of marketing today. We saw Valentine's Day in the theatre and the first trailer was for that new animated Dragon movie. In this case, Mom's going out for a date with their hubbies are being marketed a movie to take their kids to.
  10. Sadiebird

    Dining with four-year-old

    My 4YO is pretty good with sitting at TS restaurants, eventually he gets fidgety, but he's mostly fine. I did find, however, on our last trip, he did MUCH better if we did TS lunches rather than dinners. By dinner time, he was completely burnt out and tired and didn't much care for having to...
  11. Sadiebird

    Pics of Disney Dream cruise ship

    Beautiful. I wish I could do one of these cruises without leaving the harbour though. I'd love to go on this ship, but have to pass. We tried the Disney Cruise a couple of years ago. It was wonderful, but nauseating. :(
  12. Sadiebird

    I was wrong...about what Disney's target market is...

    Now the next question is, WHY are choosing to do this with our money? They know we're going to choose WDW as our vacation destination, some of us repeatedly. I think we're filling a void. I think as soon as we enter into adulthood, all we want to do is just go back in time and relive our youth.
  13. Sadiebird

    Toy Story 3!

    My whole family is really looking forward to seeing it. I love having a 4YO! I'm not sure DH and I would go to see it in the theatre if we didn't have DS.
  14. Sadiebird

    I was wrong...about what Disney's target market is...

    I hear ya sister! :wave: Ok, subtract one child and the visits to Starbuck's because I can't afford it and this is me. If I had had a baby girl instead of a boy, I would have named her Madison. (Splash is my favorite movie :)). Hilarious! :ROFLOL:
  15. Sadiebird

    I was wrong...about what Disney's target market is...

    I assume you're referring to me. :) I think I'm exactly who they want in the parks. We never leave property, go to the parks every single day of our trip, and plan the next one within 6 months of returning home from our trip. We're cash cows.
  16. Sadiebird

    I was wrong...about what Disney's target market is...

    Interesting observation. I think I might have to agree with the OP. Yikes, I think I might be one of the Mom's they're targeting. Their commercials hit me right in the heart. And once I start thinking about even the possibility of planning a trip, it's like a moving force that can't be stopped.
  17. Sadiebird

    Arrival of the Disney Magic into Port Canaveral has been delayed today (13 Feb 2010)

    At the bottom of the article, there's a statement from Disney. The third paragraph from the bottom says, "Guests scheduled for today’s departure have the option of spending the day at Epcot, and we are working to find resort rooms to accommodate those guests tonight."
  18. Sadiebird

    Arrival of the Disney Magic into Port Canaveral has been delayed today (13 Feb 2010) Looks like they're working on arranging hotels for everyone.
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