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  1. MadTeaParty

    What new World Showcase Countries Would You Like to See

    Russia: The architecture is amazing and the country has so much history. :)
  2. MadTeaParty

    Expedition Everest Yeti News

    I can't wait for the ride. I hope the Yeti isn't as smelly as Stitch!
  3. MadTeaParty

    New! March 19th Video Update! IASW ect.!

    Thank you so much! That was fantastic. :D
  4. MadTeaParty

    Photos from inside Soarin'

    Thanks for posting the pictures. :) I have to say that I like the look of DCA's queue better. Is the ride in Epcot exactly like DCA's or a little different?
  5. MadTeaParty

    D/L Buzz review

    What is the highest possible score?
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