Search results

  1. W

    Best Restaurant

    Aw heck, I almost forgot!! Even though the food is so-so, Cosmic Ray's is a spot we must go to everytime we visit! Nothing like eating to the sultry sounds of Sonny Eclipse!
  2. W

    Best Restaurant

    Fuggetabout a Restaurant! Gimme a big ole nasty Smoked Turkey Leg & I'm happy! But, if I must sit down & be civilized, I do like the Beirgarten... for the food... of course!
  3. W

    Best "You Didnt See That Coming!" in a 3D show

    1st time we experienced Tough to be a Bug was Oct. '02 @ DCA & my poor wife LITERALLY came flying out of her seat & landed on top of me when the creepy crawlies exited at the end of the show!! Needless to say, when we took both sets of parents to AK Jan. '04 we neglected to "warn" them about that!
  4. W

    Best Song from a Disney movie?

    "I'll make a man out of you", 1st date-movie for me & the missus! "When you wish upon a star", Cricket version... although Gene Simmons wasn't too shabby! "Second star to the right" & "I'll try" "Minnie's Yoo-hoo" Too many more to count, but for MOVIE songs, these would be top 5!
  5. W

    Winter Meet

    Will be arriving 11/27 @ All-Star Music & leaving 12/6, so I voted for the 27th & 28th, but will still be there for the 4th & 5th. Will be doing MVMCP on 11/30. Anyone else for that date?
  6. W

    Night Shots

    Okay, maybe this will help narrow down the field of suggestions: The main thing(s) I'm interested in getting pictures of this trip are; Castle/SSE/Hat & any other park icons @ night, MVMCP & Christmas lights/decorations, and possibly fireworks. Let the information fly!!
  7. W

    Night Shots

    I currently have a Fuji FinePix 2600Z. FINALLY found the correct manual, & there is instructions for setting the White Balance for shooting in shade (doubt that'll too helpful) as well as using either Suppressed Flash and/or Slow Synchro. Both talk about use for night-time shooting or in venues...
  8. W

    Night Shots

    I've seen/read/heard a few people mention "ISO". What does that mean? (Pardon my inquisitiveness!) I checked my camera's manual setting & don't yet see an option for setting shutter speeds or whatever the ISO is.
  9. W

    Night Shots

    I'm new here to this site... was actually doing some surfing & found by accident!! Anyway, I noticed in the Photo Gallery some EXCELLENT night shots taken around EPCOT of SE & Illuminations as well as many others. I'm currently in the market for something (digital) that takes night shots. I...
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