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  1. G

    How many of you do this? (I bet a lot of you!)

    On a dutch forum there is een threat (Subject) in witch the peolple place a tiny bit of a photo in WDW and the rest can guess where that piece of a picture is. And the one who guesses correct can place an other photo, only a part of it so it is a bit more difficult. Maybe we can start the same...
  2. G

    Spring Break Crowds In March

    Hi I'm Dennis from Holland, and I want to visit WDW from 21 march til 27 of march. From what I can find on the internet there are less springbreaks in that period than the weeks before and after. Can some one tell me if it's very crowdy in that period? Greetings, Dennis again, sorry for my...
  3. G

    4 days disneyworld in March 2009

    Hi everybody, Thanks for all the reactions so far. I already planned a couple of things in advance. First we have a 4 day hopper card, second we are staying in a villa 10 minutes drive from WDW. I wanna ga on thuesday to Magic Kingdom, as far as I cab read the least bussiest day for that...
  4. G

    4 days disneyworld in March 2009

    I checked the same site. And I thought that there maybe some other schools that have a springbreak but are not on the site. So in the week I am planning to go it's less crowded than the weeks before and after! That is good news. Are the people leaving on sunday or on monday? In other words; is...
  5. G

    4 days disneyworld in March 2009

    Hi everybody, I'm Dennis and I am new on this forum. I now keep an eye on this forum for a couple of weeks and there is a lot of information to find on this forum. Now I've got a question of my own. First I will introduce my self. I'm Dennis and I live in Holland, near the coast, Voorhout is...
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