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  1. S

    News New Polynesian Resort DVC villas building to open 2024

    When they have done a “theme park” resort intentionally, it seems to work really well. GC, Disneyland hotel in Paris, and Mira Costa in Tokyo all blend in to their surroundings super well and have from what I can tell incredible views. But they were also designed with that feature in mind
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    News New Polynesian Resort DVC villas building to open 2024

    That’s true, though I’d argue maybe you make seven seas lagoon a tad smaller to give the resort room the breathe. But I wasn’t there in the 60s, so I’m sure they had their reasons
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    News New Polynesian Resort DVC villas building to open 2024

    Folks at the grand are gonna be really disappointed when the pumice starts raining on them when we get our next eruption
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    News New Polynesian Resort DVC villas building to open 2024

    I’m very “meh” on this whole project; the rooms themselves seem alright but the building leaves something to be desired. Ultimately, I blame the folks who laid out the whole resort in the 60s for this; why on earth is the poly built directly adjacent to the magic kingdom parking lot? They had...
  5. S

    News New Polynesian Resort DVC villas building to open 2024

    this is an interesting point. They wanted the building visible from Tomorrowland, but the flip side is it makes folks wanna look into the park when they’re at the contemporary. It sorta leads me to roll my eyes a bit when people complain about being able to see backstage from the skyliner...
  6. S

    News Tiana's Bayou Adventure - latest details and construction progress

    There’s a couple that have been pointed it further back in the thread
  7. S

    News Tiana's Bayou Adventure - latest details and construction progress

    the signage is so very disjointed. I look even at what they did in galaxy’s edge or Toy Story land, and the signage is cohesive and doesn’t feel out of place. Others have said it’s an issue of “too many cooks in the kitchen” and I would believe that.
  8. S

    Tiana’s Bayou Adventure SPOILER Thread

    If I had to guess, the critters were probably maintenance nightmares. As far as I know, and someone correct me if I’m wrong, but those figures were as old as the ride, so probably pretty temperamental on a good day. I do wish they.l could’ve reused some though
  9. S

    Tiana’s Bayou Adventure SPOILER Thread

    I think it ties back to the story not being super strong, so we seemingly get beat over the head with it constantly to try and drive it home. If they can go in and tweak some of the audio and setup, I think it would come across a lot better
  10. S

    Tiana’s Bayou Adventure SPOILER Thread

    I’ve been thinking about this the past couple days, and it really is unfair that this property had to try and live up to splash and shoehorn its story into the existing ride system. they could take all the overhead banners down and it’d be an improvement in my book. It feels like there’s signs...
  11. S

    Tiana’s Bayou Adventure SPOILER Thread

    I really appreciated this breakdown and I’m looking forward to watching a better ride through in the next couple days to hopefully ease my disappointment a bit thus far. It’s crazy to me how *bad* disneys ride through was, especially since I’ve heard from folks on both sides of the love/hate...
  12. S

    Tiana’s Bayou Adventure SPOILER Thread

    In general, I think asking a team to infuse their own story into an existing ride path isn’t a super easy task. You have to shoehorn everything into whatever awkward elements exist, like the prolonged backwards section in maelstrom for frozen
  13. S

    Tiana’s Bayou Adventure SPOILER Thread

    My thoughts are maybe the new AA’s would look weird on the riverboat since I think they’re bigger than the critters? I’m not sure if that’s true or how much bigger they are but that’s my unsubstantiated theory
  14. S

    News Morocco Pavilion redevelopment

    Definitely some hyperbole from me, but just very frustrating to see Disney not caring about the detail and care that went into the pavilion. I’m hoping the flack they’re getting pressures them to go back and fix it. If they need someone to take the subway tile, I’d love to redo my bathroom
  15. S

    News Morocco Pavilion redevelopment

    Morocco has in the past been my favorite pavilion for the level of detailing that went into it. I always enjoyed just taking in the vibe and the care that went into creating it. But if this is the level of effort, or lack thereof, they’re planning on putting in going forward, I’d rather they...
  16. S

    News Tiana's Bayou Adventure - latest details and construction progress

    “You are not the first to pass this way, comrade. Nor will you be the last, if Stalingrad is to be defended!”
  17. S

    Rumor Moana E-Ticket Ride to Adventureland

    I think it was actually the sequel attraction to Toad; you just spent the entire time in hell while on superstar limo
  18. S

    Rumor Moana E-Ticket Ride to Adventureland

    “Moana’s not in a bayou but actually the Pacific Ocean adventure: the ride”
  19. S

    News New Polynesian Resort DVC villas building to open 2024

    My guess would be sit down and pool bar/quick service. I’d love to see a sit down, QS and a themed bar, but I think that’s asking a bit much
  20. S

    News Reflections – A Disney Lakeside Lodge (Project 89 - Development near Fort Wilderness)

    this is exactly what my parents do now. Growing up, it was economical to be able to get APs for the family and then get two trips in one year span on those passes. Now? Forget it. They go for 4-5 days now vs 6-7. 3 or 4 park days vs 6 or 7 back in the day. Hell, on my honeymoon which was on my...
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