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  1. slappy magoo

    Smoking areas GONE starting may 1st Pinned so people can still see the announcement.

    Maybe they were being nice to you because you were creeping them out, and they figured they can smile and nod for as long as it takes to finish their smoke.
  2. slappy magoo

    Smoking areas GONE starting may 1st Pinned so people can still see the announcement.

    Yeah, "I'd hazard a guess" is the sort of thing that usually drives people who aren't mentally well that much more over the edge. But you?
  3. slappy magoo

    Totally lost in which dining plan to select--help!

    If your 12 year old truly eats like a grown up the deluxe plan might make sense, but it is very expensive. The deluxe plan made sense for my family when both kids were under 10. We'd do a sit down breakfast and a sit down dinner, had quite a few Signature meals, occasional sit down lunches...
  4. slappy magoo

    The Great Muppet Movie Ride in 2019.. good idea? bad?

    Something I think would be more feasible, perhaps more the existing Muppet theater...a new movie... We in the audience are allowed to watch auditions for new Muppet acts. Due to a Crazy Harry related mishap, the back of the stage is destroyed and we see that behind the destroyed wall is...
  5. slappy magoo

    Smoking areas GONE starting may 1st Pinned so people can still see the announcement.

    Since other people are bringing up their experience smoking or living with smokers, I'll fess up that a: I'm the youngest of 5 in my family b: I saw my dad waste away to nearly nothing and die from his addiction to cigarettes. He was 45, 5 months, 6 days. I had just turned 11 about 2 weeks...
  6. slappy magoo

    Guess it's not of (dons sunglasses) Paramount importance. YYYYYYEEEEEAAAHHHHH!

    Thought this interesting. Looking at disneymovierewards and they finally started putting some of the Marvel movies up as rewards. But the displays to some of the movies, the ones originally produced by Paramount before Disney bought the rights (first two Iron Mans and Captain Americas...Captains...
  7. slappy magoo

    Riviera Pricing and Point charts

    I'm thinking that there's some research indicating a lot of DVC owners/potential DVC owners who are in a relationship but either a: don't have kids (yet) or b: occasionally take trips to WDW without their kids ...were asked about their travel preferences and a good chunk of them said when...
  8. slappy magoo

    Smoking areas GONE starting may 1st Pinned so people can still see the announcement.

    We're looking at this policy from the POV of guests and visitors because that's what most of us are at WDW, guests and visitors. I'd hazard a guess this could be more of a thing employees requested. Or demanded. Most of us have indoor jobs where smoking is not allowed anywhere. At my job in...
  9. slappy magoo

    Smoking areas GONE starting may 1st Pinned so people can still see the announcement.

    I'm wondering if getting caught smoking will be tied together with your Magicband. Meaning, if you're caught smoking, you're "reminded" of the no-smoking policy, they scan your band, and then if you're caught doing it again, scanning the band again proves you were already warned, you can't claim...
  10. slappy magoo

    ABC Commissary to begin accepting reservations for dinner

    How much detail is there in the ratings? Is it all straight up and down Yea or Nay? Or is there feedback as to why the approval's so low? The one experience I've had there in the past 10 was OK, not a superlative dining experience even by QS standards, but edible. I don't think I...
  11. slappy magoo

    2019 Dining Plan costs

    I've written this elsewhere but until this last trip we had gotten used to the Deluxe Dining Plan too. It made sense for us because we had two little ones, it was not uncommon to do a character meal a day (usually breakfast or brunch) and a sitdown meal for dinner. For little kids the prix fixe...
  12. slappy magoo

    best buffet for dinner?

    Boma is one of my favorite places to eat anywhere, not just WDW. Trails End is a good choice if you're not on the dining plan as it's the most affordable buffet on property. Not too diverse a selection but hearty. I like 1900 Park Fare more for breakfast but YMMV Ditto Crystal Palace.
  13. slappy magoo

    Family of 5 in All Stars?

    I was going by the fact sheet on If ASM rooms have been refurbished and their fact sheet doesn't reflect it then I stand corrected of course, but they still have ASM rooms listed as having either two doubles or one king bed. Edit: Per the Disneytouristblog and I'm highlighting what...
  14. slappy magoo

    Family of 5 in All Stars?

    Not that I'm prying, just a word of caution that the rooms have two double beds, so if you and/or your wife are on the larger than average size, the bed situation can get tight unless you split sleeping accommodations up between grownups and kids.
  15. slappy magoo

    TIW or DDP?

    Not at all, I get it, especially because the "savings" are so significant compared to when she crosses the threshold to Disney-adult (I think I should change my signature to "only in Disney can a 10 year old be considered an adult and no one calls the police.")
  16. slappy magoo

    TIW or DDP?

    We did the Deluxe Dining plan for quite a while when both kids were under 10. We always had at least 2 sit down meals a day, a lot of character meals, some Signature meals like Cali Grill, Hoop De Doo, etc. Because there's been such a precipitous drop in price between adult and kid, it wound up...
  17. slappy magoo

    Gunn Returns

    National Lampoon's Vacation - Cousin Vicki: I'm going steady, and I French kiss. Audrey Griswold: So? Everybody does that. Cousin Vicki: Yeah, but Daddy says I'm the best at it. National Lampoon's Animal House - Pinto: Before we go any further, there's something I have to tell you. I lied to...
  18. slappy magoo

    Why not Superman at WDW?

    Its almost like you negative Nellies dont want it to happen sheeeeesh.
  19. slappy magoo

    Apps as a DDP Snack Credit?

    At some point WDW expanded (and possibly contracted?) what they consider to be a snack credit item. This spreadsheet still has at least some soups listed. I didn't scan the whole doc but I saw...
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