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  1. jessicaj

    Post your Non Disney Layouts Here

    Jenn those are awesome! You are totally rockin' at the digital!!! Here is my newest non-disney layout....sorry for the shadows. I did not notice them until I posted it here.
  2. jessicaj

    November Challenge!

    what a great idea for a challenge! I usually leave this page in my books blank until a great idea strikes. I usually never strikes. Maybe this is the strike I need! LOL Jessica
  3. jessicaj

    Free Scrapbooking Class

    Thanks for sharing that! I have really been admiring all of the digital pages. I hope I am able to do it! Thanks again, jessica
  4. jessicaj

    Post your Disney Layouts here!

    Thanks everybody! Yes that is an "M" turned on it's side. Actually most of the letters are bits and pieces of other letters put together.
  5. jessicaj

    New Challenge! October 23rd-31st (ish of course)

    I love those Jenn! You are totally rockin' the digital!!!
  6. jessicaj

    Post your Disney Layouts here!

    I got it to work!!!! I finally go them to work. I do not like Photobucket sometimes. I hope they are not to big. They look really big on my screen even though I made them smaller. Hope you like them!
  7. jessicaj

    Post your Disney Layouts here!

    OK, photobucket is not my friend today and I have 2 sick kids so I will have to play around with it later!
  8. jessicaj

    Post your Disney Layouts here!

    Jenn those are awesome! I have yet to get into digital, but maybe someday I will let go of the fact that I have to touch it. LOL Here are some of my most recent pages. I am back from my non-scrapbooking phase. It was really rough there for a while but things are getting much better! This is...
  9. jessicaj

    The cutest Wall-E!!!!!

    Those are great! My son would have loved them!!!
  10. jessicaj

    The cutest Wall-E!!!!!

    I know it's weird we do Trick-or-treating during the day and the Sunday before Halloween. It's so weird to me because as a kid we did it on Halloween and at night. But it still works and my kids don't know any different! Thanks for all the compliments!!!!
  11. jessicaj

    The cutest Wall-E!!!!!

    He wouldn't keep it on because it didn't take long for him to realize that he could sit in the wagon, with out the box on, and still get candy because his older sister would walk up to each door and say "Can I have one for my little brother too? He won't get out of the wagon!" So there he sat...
  12. jessicaj

    Post your Disney Layouts here!

    You ladies have been busy!!!! I love all of your work! I finally scrapbooked for the first time in 2 or 3 months last Friday. I am going through a divorce and things were a bit on the busy side. It was rough there for a while but I am on the upswing. I will hopefully be able to take some...
  13. jessicaj

    Extra Pages

    I work at my LSS and we get this question all the time. The albums purchased at WDW do not have refills. I know it sounds crazy but they just don't make them. We usually find that Pioneer works the best for people. If that does not work in yours try the ones by American crafts, or We Are Memory...
  14. jessicaj

    The cutest Wall-E!!!!!

    I am not really sure were to post this so if this needs to me moved feel free to do so. I made this costume for my son for Halloween. Not to many people knew who he was and truth be told he did not keep it on very long. I thought that you guys would probably enjoy it then most of my neighbors...
  15. jessicaj

    OH NO!!! Get out of the way....

    I was at WDW when I was 32 weeks pregnant with my son! I can relate. My favorite thing the whole time we were there was fruity stuff. I really enjoyed the dessert's in France with fresh strawberries on top as well as the fresh fruit that could be found at any park. I think it will all depend on...
  16. jessicaj

    WDW Picture of the Day (Part 4)

    Just wanted to share that I love this thread! It is a daily routine for my children and I to look at the new pictures together. Its a life saver when they are sick. LOL
  17. jessicaj

    Mickey for President

    I like that one!!! We always imitate Gus Gus around here so it made us laugh. :ROFLOL::ROFLOL: Count me in for the bumper sticker too. :sohappy:
  18. jessicaj

    Test Track or Soarin for a 3 yr old?

    I think your son will really enjoy these 2 rides! My 6 year old is a little peanut and is still not tall enough! Poor little lady. You will have to let us know how he liked them!
  19. jessicaj

    How do you help a trouble-stricken family get to the WDW?

    I am a Tupperware consultant and have used our fundraiser program to help a family in need many of times. You can recieve 40% profit form the fundraiser line of products. If this is something that might work for you can pm me so that I could help you get in touch with someone in your area. Hope...
  20. jessicaj

    Wall-e in WDW?

    I hope that he will be there in March when we are there. My 19 month old son LOVES Wall-E. He calls him "Wa-We" and even talks about him in his sleep its so stinkin' cute.....he would be in elated!
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