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  1. E

    Coral Reef Restaurant

    I actually got engaged there, I have a few photos I can scan, it was very nice and OBVIOUSLY because Disney knew about it, they took care of EVERYTHING, it was truely amazing (And it didn't hurt I was a former cast member!)
  2. E

    WDW Picture of the Day

    Many of your closeup shots are VERY similar to some of my shots from 2001, I will have to post them ASAP!!
  3. E

    Should a Jungle Cruise Skipper have Good Verbal Communication Skills??

    Well thank you that means a lot as that was a trying year for all of America and we managed to "keep the laughter" I was there from August until January, so it is ALL together possible that I was your Skipper... Skipper Matthew "And Remember..... That way you don't forget."
  4. E

    Should a Jungle Cruise Skipper have Good Verbal Communication Skills??

    well it has been about 7 years but let me think on it and I will toss you a few. One that sticks out is from the 80's movie: It was a corporate buy out night and there was veno flowing if you know what I mean. There were these button lights that people had on them, and one guy dropped his...
  5. E

    Should a Jungle Cruise Skipper have Good Verbal Communication Skills??

    Yep a few people I know lost their jobs due to "improper spieling" but the UNION broke that up QUICK, because in Florida it is a right to work state "with a union" :)
  6. E

    Should a Jungle Cruise Skipper have Good Verbal Communication Skills??

    As a former alumni of the Jungle Cruise (2001 REPRESENT!!), I have done SOOO many different styles... AND YES Hung over is a style, BUT you must be good to make it work... ONE LONGGGG SLOW SPIEL... Sometimes it works sometime it doesn't... Others I have done... - 80's Theme Shows - 80's films...
  7. E

    Latest you been in a Park

    I guess the latest I was ever i the park was about 3 hours or so after closing. I used to be a Jungle Cruise skipper in the fall/winter of 2001 (rough year by the way) Working there is something that can never be replaced it is the MOST magical experience, because you learn all the tricks of...
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