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  1. DisneyElephant

    Leadership shuffle at the Walt Disney World Resort hotels

    For me its a vacation. Stressing about time in that way seems pointless and counter-intuitive to my general enjoyment. I also don't want to worry about parking or any of that. Though I'm willing to bet off-property transportation has improved in the last 10 years. But to me, the Disney...
  2. DisneyElephant

    Leadership shuffle at the Walt Disney World Resort hotels

    I may not be seeing what they see sure. Its definitely an assumption. But just because I'm assuming doesn't mean that I would be wrong even if I were seeing what they see in the financials. Their strategy is working like the government does. Trying to cater to too tight a niche that is...
  3. DisneyElephant

    Leadership shuffle at the Walt Disney World Resort hotels

    I think presently, its a mistake for Disney to focus on rate increases for profit returns as opposed to increasing occupancy. Its definitely a balancing act, but creative has to have more of a draw in the future than it does currently (which from what I expect is hopefully in the works, but I...
  4. DisneyElephant

    Leadership shuffle at the Walt Disney World Resort hotels

    Well, my family and I used to go almost every year in the 90's regardless if there was anything new or exciting. This was true up until the mid-2000's. We started getting priced out of the Moderates and would go less frequently and instead spent one trip at a Deluxe because we got a discount...
  5. DisneyElephant

    Leadership shuffle at the Walt Disney World Resort hotels

    I have to say, after doing a little quick search, I agree with the serious concern about continuing to promote someone who has consistently increased prices especially for its resorts. Those prices are completely out of whack with reality. Entertainment industry professionals will tell you...
  6. DisneyElephant

    The Spirited Back Nine ...

    I have to say, this Executive Assistant must have a great relationship with her coworkers to feel confident enough to feel that her voice would be listened to. Many many times I have been in a very similar position but known that if I say anything I either a) won't get credit or b) won't be...
  7. DisneyElephant

    The Spirited Back Nine ...

    I'm usually just a lurker on here, but I wanted to chime in and say something about Christmas. I work in the entertainment industry (theater) and where I work we sell tickets to our annual Christmas show months and months in advance. The shows sell out incredibly quickly. People can't enough...
  8. DisneyElephant

    WDW Permits 2014

    I'm curious to find out more about the rehab at the CBR.
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