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  1. Aubrey

    Pre-Trip The "Bye Bye Sister" Pre-Trip Report

    Update!! We have officially booked everything the vacation is now real, we also got the free dining which is extremely exiting!! Friday we will be driving down and staying at a hotel off property and we'll probably hit the beach Saturday Sunday August 31st: check in at the Caribbean Beach...
  2. Aubrey

    Pre-Trip The "Bye Bye Sister" Pre-Trip Report

    Thank you!! Brianna got accepted as a custodial cast member, I'm not quite sure where she would like to be but hey she's working for Disney so I think she'll be happy wherever she's placed (or she better be ;)). Congratulations to your daughter I hope she has an awesome time!!
  3. Aubrey

    Pre-Trip The "Bye Bye Sister" Pre-Trip Report

    Hello all!! Welcome! Welcome to my first trip report (well pre-trip report). I hope you are all having a fantastic day and thank you for stumbling upon my words. LET’S GET STARTED. Who’s gonna be in this trip report? GLAD YOU ASKED!! Dad- Disney fanatic, it’s because of him that I love...
  4. Aubrey

    DCP Online interview question

    Thank you so much, I noticed that they were asking the same questions a bit into the interview. I'm also thinking about maybe doing Fall Advantage but I'm not quite sure yet... maybe... we'll see.
  5. Aubrey

    DCP Online interview question

    So I applied for the spring 2014 and got the email to do the online interview, as soon as I finished a message popped up saying that I didn't get accepted into the program. I was just wondering if that had anything to do with my answers, I am planning on applying again for the Fall 2014 and I...
  6. Aubrey

    CP Questions

    Thank you so much I'm having a hard time deciding which semester to apply for because i would love to be in Disney during the holidays but then i wouldn't be with family. I am not a partier what so ever, i just want to get the opportunity to work in Disney.
  7. Aubrey

    CP Questions

    I'm currently a freshman in college and i really want to do the college program like spring of 2014 or maybe the fall of 2013. I was wondering what would cause you to not get accepted into the program and also others experiences with it. Oh! one last question during the fall would you work...
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