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  1. Fossilizedtreesap

    What Should Disney do About Vaping?

    Very true, they already have their parameters in place. It was just suggested that disney should consider there be seperate vaping and smoking areas because they are different issues and that there be more designated areas because right now the are 4 sections throughout the entire magic kingdom.
  2. Fossilizedtreesap

    What Should Disney do About Vaping?

    And I believe that in my point I said that the secondhand vapor was not harmlesss, the line that they were less toxic came from the WHO report itself. Keep in mind though that eating burnt toast can cause cancer. Not to mention there are cancer causing ingredients hidden in the coloring used...
  3. Fossilizedtreesap

    What Should Disney do About Vaping?

    And what is so horrible that this report revealed? Have you read it yourself? Because these were the main take aways- 1) The biggest health risk currently is Nicotine overdose 2) There is no longterm study yet that has linked vaping to issues such as cancer. However, looking at the individual...
  4. Fossilizedtreesap

    What Should Disney do About Vaping?

    @Mouse_Trap I love your perspective and really like the idea of dva's. I was just arguing more smoking sections since Disney lumps the two together, but I see them as 2 separate issues. I'm in the camp though that here in the U.S. we need to separate the two.
  5. Fossilizedtreesap

    What Would You Ban?

    I totally agree with this logic. I'm stressing out trying to plan my trip to grab fawtpasses and reservations. I've got the 2 reservations I want (minus BOG for dessert one day/night) up next is fp+ but that's a whole different beast.
  6. Fossilizedtreesap

    What Should Disney do About Vaping?

    Yeah, I have my words like that too! And on text based forums it can be hard to determine exactly what and how someone is intending something to be directed or sound.
  7. Fossilizedtreesap

    What Should Disney do About Vaping?

    The way in you directed your Idea that if "you" think people are out get you they're not read to me that you assumed I smoked. My apologies for the misunderstanding.
  8. Fossilizedtreesap

    What Should Disney do About Vaping?

    I do think it will and as I said you will always have people who break the rules, I'm not denying that but giving more options on where to Vape (which is what is being discussed, not smoking) will cut down on that. And funny that you think I smoke because 1) I never mentioned that I did and 2)...
  9. Fossilizedtreesap

    What Should Disney do About Vaping?

    Very valid. And by no means do I mean that smoking areas need to be out in the open or main spots, even more spots that are tucked away would be helpful.
  10. Fossilizedtreesap

    What Should Disney do About Vaping?

    Actually you're posting in a thread titled "what should disney do about vaping" there is also a simultaneous thread going on about what to ban. And you are correct, but I've seen the issue more and more across other boards on multiple sites. Even though thread discusses vaping, which is on the...
  11. Fossilizedtreesap

    What Should Disney do About Vaping?

    Not to mention Walt himself smoked.
  12. Fossilizedtreesap

    What Should Disney do About Vaping?

    Why are these threads continually popping up? Why are more blog posts dedicated to it? The majority of the voice on this thread alone is ban smoking and vaping, that the designated areas are even too much altogether and complaints about people smoking and vaping anywhere. Removing areas to...
  13. Fossilizedtreesap

    What Should Disney do About Vaping?

    What you seem to be missing is that over the years there have been fewer and fewer smoking areas, and yet the complaints continue to rise that more people are smoking outside of the areas. I made no denying that there are still going to be people who smoke wherever and whenever they want...
  14. Fossilizedtreesap

    What Should Disney do About Vaping?

    Once again, the topic is vaping not smoking, and yes I do believe it would help. If there awere more places to go. Statistically 1 in 7 people smoke. Look around yourself when in a park and think about the amount of people you see and think about that number. Do you think all those people...
  15. Fossilizedtreesap

    What Should Disney do About Vaping?

    Nope 1-2 wouldn't but maybe putting at least 2 areas per land might be helpful. Once again back to the idea that if you don't want people to smoke throughout the park give them enough designated areas to do it.
  16. Fossilizedtreesap

    What Should Disney do About Vaping?

    You can't control how people will respond to the CM's and that's probably why they don't actively enforce it. Most people aren't confrontational in nature and really the most they could do was remind them to smoke in designated areas. Now if someone is being obnoxious and just not caring they...
  17. Fossilizedtreesap

    What Should Disney do About Vaping?

    It is different in the delivery method as well as the amount of chemicals. Now I'm not saying it's healthy, but it is a better option. Why does anyone put any type of chemical in their body? Coke itself has a ton of stuff that is not good, but we give it to kids. It's even addicting and you...
  18. Fossilizedtreesap

    What Should Disney do About Vaping?

    Smokers smoke outside of the areas too, and probably more so.
  19. Fossilizedtreesap

    What Should Disney do About Vaping?

    And also, many people on here have commented that the hate passing the smoking areas because they are strong with odor and smoke. You think reducing the amount of designated smoking areas has caused a higher concentrations of people into a smaller area making it more noticable? And we're not...
  20. Fossilizedtreesap

    What Should Disney do About Vaping?

    I legit just downloaded the current park map and counted 4. That link is outdated.
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