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  1. G

    What happened to

    Billy, I never thought these quotes were actually made up by the person who displayed them, atleast for the most part, as some are kind enough to include the real authors name, as you have shown. I am just so indecisive I can't get myself to put down just one and won't fill up a page with a...
  2. G

    What happened to

    Hey I liked your Sig. I like reading other peoples sig's cause I get the feeling I know them a little better. That may sound stupid but I think the words or in my case lack of, say something about a person. Not sure what it says about me though :hammer: :confused:
  3. G

    What happened to

    I never made it to the trip boards very often. I'm more of a board surfer, meaning I don't hang out in any "one" board. Just kinda all over the place. I wonder how many wdwinfo members have stumbled onto this board? Be neat to know how many of us are here. This is a great place though...
  4. G

    Cast Members: Sick of the Magic?

    As I was reading this post I started thinking ( yes that is new for me :lookaroun :) ). I've read several posts from CM's on other boards and for some reason I thought that most CM's worked at different attractions at times. Can you not work in a different area if you are not completely happy...
  5. G

    What happened to

    Well someone is having No troubles settling into a new home :) I added to my profile but haven't yet done the Sig thing. Maybe soon. GotDis?
  6. G

    What happened to

    Same here! Haven't been able to get on disboards for several days now. I've been panicking, luckily I found this place and although it doesn't feel like home yet, it will real soon :) Now I'm off to lurk thru all the other threads. BTW I'm wondering how many "dis'ers" can't get onto...
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