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  1. M

    News WDW Resorts to add fees for parking

    There's a derelict motel right on the 192 by Disney that would be perfect for that. $20 for the first day and $5 for subsequent days. Provide a free return shuttle to & from anywhere on property. Easy money.
  2. M

    News WDW Resorts to add fees for parking

    They still will be covering the operating costs of parking before park opening though. Just think say 50 staff x 15 hours per day at $15 an hour. That's basically 500 vehicles before they are showing a clear profit. Plus I can't imagine they have that many people working the cars parks -...
  3. M

    News Kali River Rapids scheduled for 5 week refurbishment in the new year

    Weird, did it not attach to the OP... I'm on here at AK I'll try again
  4. M

    News Kali River Rapids scheduled for 5 week refurbishment in the new year

    Not seen this elsewhere, but a rather large crane had appeared over Animal Kingdom. Any ideas what for I did think it could be linked to the Kali refurb, but it looks a little further away.
  5. M

    Main Street Fountain Removal

    Sadly yes. All selling identical merchandise found the World over.
  6. M

    Construction near Hogwarts

    Any idea what the construction work going on behind Hogwarts and viable from the Hogwarts Station?
  7. M

    True Speed of Test Track?

    Agreed, but then I find it totally disapointing that the ride runs at the same slow speed as many highway speeds. I was so excited for the ride (mk1) before it opened, and so utterly disappointed once I finally got to ride it (being like aged 14 or something).
  8. M

    Does anyone else find the new castle turrets distracting?

    I think the 'turrets' are just stupid. They just look like cheap standalone toilet paper tubes randomly plonked around the lovely castle. Find one real castle that has turrets that aren't connected to the main building.
  9. M

    Disney adds more Orange Team capacity at Mission SPACE

    I've only ever rode 'Orange' and never realised it spun until people on here told me. I thought it was just a very tame flight sim. Have been on it since and still can't work out what the fuss is about, to me its incredibly tame. Perhaps they should scrap green - it is a ride afterall, and...
  10. M

    Hearing news of a monorail crash today.

    Haven't they just. To my view the costumes took a long time before they got 'realistic' though - early 90s maybe? Full article here is anyones interested, not sure if theres any 'new' photos, I've seen most before but there were a couple I didn't remember...
  11. M

    Hearing news of a monorail crash today.

    Disneyland Opening Day.....mistakes were made even then.
  12. M

    Hearing news of a monorail crash today.

    I'd say no. Look at how much that front buffer is out in-front of the edges you marked. If those edges hit the top of the cockpit, then that buffer would have gone far further in and the damage would be as far back as the drivers door. I'm no expert, but that's my thinking. Are those marks...
  13. M

    Resort alarm clocks being replaced by USB/Power hubs?

    Wow, that is ugly. Looks like they picked up the cheapest chineese rubbish fleabay has to offer. That's the standard I would expect from a bog standard value motel. I'd expect far higher from Disney - even in their 'value' motel rooms. I think its a very retrograde step removing the alarm...
  14. M

    Not a Clue

    It's true to say Universal has a lot of 3D rides these days, but do a count and Disney's number if very similar. If you'd spent multiple days at Universal then the daily cost would be way down on that. You're comparing apples with oranges there. But as we all know, 1 day costs are virtually...
  15. M

    New Florida law addresses "fake" service animals with possible jail time

    That's the woman who appeared in the BBC program I mentioned months ago (back on the 1st or 2nd page). Seemed a complete scam to be honest as she liked horses and was blaming her muslim faith for not having a dog.
  16. M

    What KIND of attraction do you enjoy best?

    I think calling rides like EE, Space Mtn, RnRC, ToT "big thrill rides" is extremely generous. The first two definitely are not, I'll give you thrill ride, but not big thrill. I'd probably let RnRC & ToT scrape in on the margin. The sad thing at WDW, is that they are the biggest thrill rides...
  17. M

    WDW - the cheap vacation

    Sorry, couldn't disagree more. $600 a night for 2 people is not cheap at all. If it's good value is completely subjective, but I'd say very poor value. Which room is it at AKL. Maybe if you've booked a Savannah view or something then that partly explains it....but not if its a Car Park view...
  18. M

    Why Ticket Prices Are Increasing

    I'd love to have some rough numbers on the number of days AP holder typically come. My theory is not that Disney is trying to push them away, not at all. They still want them all, but that they've done the sums and concluded that AP holders aren't paying enough per visit and aren't dropping...
  19. M

    No cheese sauce, again.

    Think there was a thread about this a few months back. Personally, I think it's incredibly insulting to all proper cheeses to call that stuff cheese. ;) Molten plastic more like
  20. M

    connect the Animal Kingdom by monorail

    And if you can't find anything concrete by searching, something I posted 12 months ago here..... The Honolulu light rail system currently being built has budgeted an average of $57.5m a mile for track. Despite being light rail not monorail, it's comparable in the fact that's it elevated to the...
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