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  1. ryanhoov

    Dr. Judd's Diet Talk

    Sure! If anyone has a problem posting, just e-mail the photo to me at Put WDWMagic in the subject, so I'll know it's not an ad for Viagra. It looks like I (and any premium members) can attach them directly, but I also have a snapfish account, so it shouldn't be a...
  2. ryanhoov

    Happy brithday Ryanhoov!

    Thanks everyone! I had cake (and nothing else) for dinner, and now I'm going to play video games alllllllllll night long. Tomorrow we're going to see Duplex with my friends and then have pizza and mooooooooore cake. :wave:
  3. ryanhoov


    Yeaaaaahhhhh!!!!!:sohappy: :sohappy: :sohappy:
  4. ryanhoov

    Iasw Song!

    I wanted to use this as my picture, but dad couldn't figure out how to make it work. He thinkd its because I didn't post anything yet.
  5. ryanhoov

    Iasw Song!

    My dad helped me set this up, but most of what you guys talk about seems sort of boring. Now I can read and post stuff if I want.
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