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  1. T

    Muppet's Great Movie Ride Parody?

    Don't you mean "Work on YOUR grammAR too, please?" Don't insult someone's grammar if you struggle with English, ok?
  2. T

    Muppet's Great Movie Ride Parody?

    stuff Here is a very, very detailed description of the ride, which was in the works but never happened, from Anywho ... to understand what the Walt Disney Company may do with the Muppets at Disney-MGM, you need to understand that ... ... "Jim Henson's MuppetVision 3D"...
  3. T

    What Disney is all about!

    details Want to really feel the magic? Find some of the things that 99 percent of Disney World visitors will never notice! In one of the gift shops on Main St., there's an old phone mounted on the wall as a decorative accent. But if you pick it up, there's a pretty funny recorded phone...
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    E-ride question

    so... So even if I'm staying off-property, I can wander in to any of the on-property hotels and buy an e-ride ticket?
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    E-ride question

    Is it possible to purchase e-ride night tickets from a hotel if you aren't staying there? I wasn't sure if they asked to see a room key or something...
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    Pooh ride actual closing date

    ?? When is it scheduled to re-open?
  7. T

    Space Shuttle... WHERE ARE YOU??

    As far as people here, where I live (in the debris field) in TX, most people who handled the debris had no idea where it came from. The vast, vast majority of them touched it or got too close long before the warnings were released. Serves them right? Screw you.
  8. T

    Planning video???????????

    I ordered a planning video weeks ago. Is it normal for it to take this long to get it in, or should I order another?
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    Time, time, time

    We're honeymooning in DW in early June for seven days. Is that enough time to spend there without running around like crazy? We'd like it to be relatively relaxed, but we'd also like to really experience the place. :confused:
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    Best secret

    I'm going to Disney World for the first time since the early 80s - when I was 6. Back then, I didn't know about Hidden Mickeys or any of the amazing "little secrets" hidden all over the park. Throw some at me - things that are REALLY cool but you almost have to look for them to find them. I know...
  11. T

    HELP me show her the "magic"

    Hey guys. I’m new here, so I guess I’ll introduce myself first. I’m Todd. I’m 28 and from TX. I’m going to Disney World for the first time in 20 years in June. It’s my honeymoon :) I was hoping to get a little info from you guys on making the trip special for my soon-to-be wife. She went to...
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