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  1. C

    Extreme Makeover update...

    exciting news, thanks for posting
  2. C

    Help! I need 8 adult mickey ears for wedding

    You could also try ebay and see if you can get a deal if you buy in bulk like you are. Good luck!
  3. C

    Castle overlays, Past Present and Worldwide..Picture links enclosed

    Great pictures! I agree about the mirror on the castle -- looks like something from Snow White. Kind of out of place there.
  4. C


    I think she's cute, but definitely a little too much energy -- makes my head hurt a little :)
  5. C

    Totally Hiiden Mickey

    Anyone know the URL for the webiste for the hidden Mickeys mentioned above? Thanks! :)
  6. C

    Crush n Gusher Photos

    Wow! Love the pictures. Thanks for sharing. Looks like a great time.
  7. C

    January 6-15, 2005 sounds like you really like them. I love their choice in colors too.. It's so bright, but i love it! I always notice their kiosks when i'm at the airport. Good to know that it's spacious too..that's key for me, since i'm always dragging so much stuff with me! Well you've definitely...
  8. C

    Extreme Makeover: Home Edition

    YEah i think it definitely made reality tv popular..but at least this show is good and is doing something for the good rather than having tons of people fighting with each other!!
  9. C

    Frosting or Icing?

    I ice cakes! When i think of frost, i think of snow...
  10. C

    Share your pet photos!

    oh my god..too cute! i need to go get one now..
  11. C

    Raising Helen preview

    I wanted to go, but had too much to do this weekend. Looks like i'm going to have to wait another couple of days (sigh). How was it... I had a friend that went, loved it. Then again, we both love Kate Hudson. What did you think, catinthehat??
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    Home On The Range

    I agree... I think it's a good spring-time movie for kids..(and adults) ... the voices in it are just so great. Sara Jessica Parker, Randy Quaid, Judy Dench... can't wait!
  13. C


    I'm glad some of you guys share in some of my excitement!! I think it's been a really long time since we've had a really fun movie (along the lines of Indiana Jones)... Can't wait to see Viggo on screen again, and i'm interested to see Omar Sherif and how he fits into the film. Anyone...
  14. C

    Advice for a Disney First-Timer

    My fiance and I are going to Disney in June to celebrate our engagement... neither have been, though I've been to the one in Paris. We're young, have no kids, but are really excited to go. We've just started planning... so i'm wondering if anyone has any booking suggestions ... good...
  15. C


    Pretty sure Disney is affiliated w/ this one... I'm excited about seeing it next weekend, but I was just wondering if anyone could tell me two things: 1. have you seen a preview, how was it?? 2. Is this based on a true story??? I'll probably see it regardless, w/ Lord of the Rings...
  16. C

    New Lindsay Lohan movie

    I agree... from what I've seen it's been getting pretty good reviews (there was a good one in the NY times recently)... my neice was over last night, we played w/ the website for SO long... so cute. I think i'm going to buy her the book for her birthday. Can't wait :)
  17. C

    New Lindsay Lohan movie

    I've recently become a teenager again w/ all those great movies (i dont' care what anyone says...they make me feel good)... Lindsay Lohan is so cute, she's my fave out of the whole group of them...she actually seems like she has half a brain... I'm looking forward to this.
  18. C

    Are there any Snow White updates?

    This is so exciting! I wonder if they decided to stick with the original storyline or if they changed it up a bit... I hope we can find out more soon. :)
  19. C

    New ABC Shows

    I think it's controversial bc it's a really blunt show - i mean it openly talks about Liz's gay dad's among other things... Personally, I think it's hilarious. Last night's episode is one of my favorites to date.
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