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  1. N

    jim hill gets kicked out?

    Yes, I agree! Now lets all kiss and make up! Ok, maybe not the kissing part...
  2. N

    jim hill gets kicked out?

    HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH! Oh my.... You are two pea's in a pod wannab and aefx. Unreal. Mike, I tend to still agree with your more honest "arguments", or rather statements of facts. It is sad to me to think there are people out there like these two. Wow, I'm speechless...
  3. N

    jim hill gets kicked out?

    It is amazing how many professional journalists we have in here! Everyone knows what journalistic integrity is, how to write professionally, etc. It is amazing. I don't know why all of you don't have your own site! (by the way, this is sarcastic, just to help you all out!) What I am wondering...
  4. N

    jim hill gets kicked out?

    Well, I think that ClemsonTigger and Michael (and Cory) have some great points and seem to have the ability to think somewhat logically (although I'm not sure I understand your avitar Michael, I hope it is just because he has the same name as you or something funny like that!). It saddens me to...
  5. N

    jim hill gets kicked out?

    Well, I don't know if I am going to continue on this thread, you don't seem to be too quick wannab. And I am not trying to be rude or mean to you, just seem a bit slow, or at least you are bad at interpreting what people write. I do not think we have met before, but I don't have a clue who...
  6. N

    jim hill gets kicked out?

    Wow, I'm new to this site, so maybe I'll get my head bit off, but Wannab, you sound like the one that is the "elitist" here. And I have only read a few of your posts. Anyway, I just found it rediculous how childish this battle on this thread sounds. Pretty sad that that happened with Jim...
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