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  1. F

    Blast from the Past

    Today I received a random email from Walt Disney World: my figment I created over a year ago. Anyone experienced something similar and/or have an idea why? Share your figments!
  2. F

    Rumor Is Indiana Jones Planning an Adventure to Disney's Animal Kingdom?

    I'm not going to sugarcoat it: Dinoland USA sucks. I don't know how I would agree with Indy coming to AK of all parks, but if Disney did it right it could actually work well. What if they kept the dinosaur theme of the area, so to maintain the animal aspect, but merged it with the Indy...
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    Pet Peeve: Mis-using the term "ride"

    It doesn't bother me that much. What bothers me more are the guests who "had their brains sucked by the finger scanners" as the CMs say. These are the people who get these ideas about attractions they've never experienced and think they're so smart. "Space Mountain broke down earlier, I don't...
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    I love everything movies and behind-the-scenes, so I absolutely loved GMR. It did feel dated, though, and I wish Disney would've opted for a major refurbishment rather than a replacement. My favorite memory would have to be geeking out about the most advanced AA at the time: the Witch from the...
  5. F

    When another Guest ruins an experience/attraction for you

    Our party arrived at MK in time for the rope drop in front of Seven Dwarfs Mine Train. We actually were the first guests to step into the queue, which I thought was pretty cool, until this mother and daughter stepping right in line, cutting our party in half. Throughout the queue we politely...
  6. F

    So when people complain about the standard of food within the parks .........

    I think WDW's food is great. Normally we take our own lunch and snacks just for sake of cost, but when we've bought food it's been up to par or exceeding most fast-food quality. The Harbor House by Haunted Mansion is the place we go for good food at a lower price. :hungry:
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    Minecraft - Disney World

    All of you are wasting your time! You should go to This server is NOT whitelisted. It also has texture AND audio pack! This is the best WDW server out there, trust me.
  8. F

    Why was Mr. Toad's Wild Ride removed from MK? Any reason other then creating Pooh?

    I've never ridden Mr. Toad, but I have seen videos. I think there could be some reasons why it was replaced: - Confusing for the next generation. The movie isn't all that popular so kids today would ask, "so who's Mr. Toad?" - Boring for teens scary for kids. Same reason Snow White was taken...
  9. F

    Do you dream about WDW Attractions???

    I actually dream about Disney World often. I've been to all the parks many times and it's my favorite place in the world. One night I dreamed that I went to "Turtle Talk with Crush" at Epcot, which I've never been to in real life. After the queue I entered this tunnel made of glass with water...
  10. F

    Do you dream about WDW Attractions???

    Once I dreamed that I went to It's A Small World...but there were no boats. It wasn't a ride, you just walked through it. I remember feeling absolutely terrified going in to the point where I couldn't move, and I finally closed my eyes and ran as fast as I possibly could to get to the end. I...
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