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  1. CoryMitchell

    Partners Statue--Wild/crazy idea

    The WDC has actually approached the Disney family about a Walt animatronic several times, but the family never approved of the idea. Lillian especially didn't like it.
  2. CoryMitchell

    Down for Rehab

    Thanks guys., I'll be at the both parks on the 17th and want to make sure I get in as much as possible. Its my fiorst time at Universal and I and thrilled!
  3. CoryMitchell

    Down for Rehab

    Anyone know what rides at Universal and at Islands of Adventure are down for rehab now, and when they will be bcak up and running?
  4. CoryMitchell

    Adventurer's Club Question

    Hey Peeps. A quick question for ya. Is there anyway to find out what shows are being performed at the Adventurer's Club before I head over for the night? I'm going to be down there in a few weeks and I'm dying to see the Balderdash Cup, but I want to make sure its playiong before I make plans...
  5. CoryMitchell

    Jim Hill: Animal Kingdom Draining Away

    Hold your tounge! Magnum IS sinking! Still is to this day!
  6. CoryMitchell

    I don't like this CoP rumor. . .

    Shins are doing ok. I always like coming in here and talking with you guys. Even if I do get attacked.
  7. CoryMitchell

    I don't like this CoP rumor. . .

    Well, I have to say that I take slight offense to the idea that Jim and the other authors on the site are just throwing stuff into the air until it sticks. I have a behind the scenes view of how Jim and our other authors work and I can say without doubt, that ideas are not being just thrown...
  8. CoryMitchell

    I don't like this CoP rumor. . .

    The two Paris rumors you site come from authors on our site other than Jim.
  9. CoryMitchell

    I don't like this CoP rumor. . .

    Plus, you have to consider that it might not go into the carousel. "Toy Story" 's little green men will mostly likely be moving into Tomorrowland's theater-go-rounmd building" That doesn't read to me like Jim's source is getting ready to rip the family out of the carousel next week. I...
  10. CoryMitchell

    I don't like this CoP rumor. . .

    On this issue, I know just as much as the rest of you. Not sure I could offer you much in the way of a follow up. I would say that you shouldn't be too upset Grizz. From the way Jim worded the article you can tell this is hardly a done deal.
  11. CoryMitchell

    I don't like this CoP rumor. . .

    You guys talk about Jim so much over here that should just start a Jim Hill thread. Hmmm...I like that idea.
  12. CoryMitchell

    POTC ReTheming at Disneyland.

    No pulling was needed. I came home last night and I saw the two pictures of Barbossa in my inbox and knew instantly what Jim was up to. I'm glad you guys liked it so much. It really is a great idea.
  13. CoryMitchell

    Ask and Ye Shall Recieve

    Just letting you guys know that I posted the link to Jim's new article about the Disneyland POTC re-do that we discussed here yesterdasy. It's over in the Disnyland board. here is the link to the discussion
  14. CoryMitchell

    POTC ReTheming at Disneyland.

    Ask and ye shall recieve. You all asked for Jim's story about what might happen to Pirates of the Caribbean at Disneyland, and he has kindly given us the whole story. Check it out. Cory Mitchell JHM Creative Director...
  15. CoryMitchell

    POTC to get Jack Sparrow

    Not to worry. I brought pads this week. Although I must say that some of the comments on this board are pretty harsh.
  16. CoryMitchell

    POTC to get Jack Sparrow

    I didn't post that story, but I really loved it. I think that Wade gives a really interesting analysis and description of a really unique film. I would highly reccomend that article. Wade is a superb writer.
  17. CoryMitchell

    POTC to get Jack Sparrow

    I'm not going to tell the story because I don't want to step on Jim's toes. Plus, he could tell it better than I could. But, Lee is free to share.
  18. CoryMitchell

    POTC to get Jack Sparrow

    That is a kick ______ story. I don't know why Jim hasn't told it yet, but it rules.
  19. CoryMitchell

    POTC to get Jack Sparrow

    Hey Guys, I know this sounds petty and obnoxious. But, from now on, if you could post a link to the article rather than the entire text on the boards. I'm the guy in charge of getting people to visit the site, and when you post Jim's entire article here, then no one actually goes over there...
  20. CoryMitchell

    Holy Moly!!! - Pirates Water Park

    Because you have health problems and a family tragedy?
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