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  1. kaliriverrider

    Why do u love the world

    Quote: As far as WDW being the most romantic place in the world...THANK YOU!! Someone else who gets it. I am also really happy to hear that. My wife and I go to WDW at least once a week. We stroll around world showcase, ride the little motorboats at the Polynesian, eat at Victoria and...
  2. kaliriverrider

    Disney World's Segway Restriction Upsets Disabled

    segways I live in celebration where segways are abundant. I have a friend with MS and she used to use a walker to get around on bad days. Now she uses a segway and it is a big help for her. Another friend is a vet injured in Iraq. He lost his left foot and is in rehab getting ready for a...
  3. kaliriverrider

    Another Great Spot ...But Where?

    <img src=> <img src=> Here's the picture of the last spot that epcot is my fave was very close to. It's the new store in japan! here's a picture of this cool little stone garden between the two...
  4. kaliriverrider

    Another Great Spot ...But Where?

    Yes Epcot is my fav, it is in epcot in japan.... i will post the picture tomorrow if no one guesses a more exact location because the picture is of a firly new part of Japan...
  5. kaliriverrider

    Another Great Spot ...But Where?

    Nope, they are not in a lounge, good guess though!
  6. kaliriverrider

    Another Great Spot ...But Where?

    you are on the right track... the picture is of a decorative and not functional part of this space in a disney park.
  7. kaliriverrider

    Another Great Spot ...But Where?

    I don't know if this is too obscure or too new but here goes... <img src=> Where in disney is this??
  8. kaliriverrider

    Another Great Spot ...But Where?

    More... more Please, I would like to solve another one before I try another picture myself!
  9. kaliriverrider

    Another Great Spot ...But Where?

    specifically the A in Aerosmith?
  10. kaliriverrider

    Another Great Spot ...But Where?

    is it on the arch at the entrance to rock n roller coaster?
  11. kaliriverrider

    Another Great Spot ...But Where?

    Yup all you have to do is look up in the AKL to see these great lights. This picture is of the ceiling of the Animal kingdom lodge. OK RU, I am going nuts, I know this one but it is escaping me at the moment.... It's in tomorrowland as it is the right font I think .... but is it the...
  12. kaliriverrider

    Another Great Spot ...But Where?

    hmppan is on the money, it is in the AKL, any more specific guesses, or should i post the full picture? I guess I need some harder pictures :)
  13. kaliriverrider

    Another Great Spot ...But Where?

    RU, good guess but it is not el rio del tiempo (or anywhere in epcot) First clue you have to look UP to see it... and for RU#14 is it somewhere around the contemporary hotel?
  14. kaliriverrider

    Another Great Spot ...But Where?

    ooh, sorry RU42 i did not see you atarted a new one. it looks like the land but that would be too easy right?
  15. kaliriverrider

    Another Great Spot ...But Where?

    <The bubbles from the mural in Living with the Land (presented by Nestle hehe) I belive it's the hidden mickey too.> Wow, you got it here's the full pic... Sorry if it was too easy, how about this one?
  16. kaliriverrider

    Another Great Spot ...But Where?

    Hi all, Writing from my room at the Caribbean beach hotel. I am new here but I thought I would try, I looked through a lot of pages on this thread so i did not repeat a picture, but It's been going on a long time! Where in disney is this pic?
  17. kaliriverrider

    Another Great Spot ...But Where?

    AAHHRRR! I know i have seen it! the dogs look like greyhounds and we have three! You say it's in a park? maybe the MGM shop guess is right, it sounds like a good guess EIMF (and by the way, epcotis my fave too!)
  18. kaliriverrider

    When do you arrive?

    I lived in Orlando for two years and we always went on sundays as all the parks were fairly empty. A lot of people travel on weekends and go to WDW during weekdays. All bets are off during holidays of course.
  19. kaliriverrider

    At What Point Have You Arrived (In Each Park)

    Great Thread! A nice ethereal thread DD, MK - when I get to Walt's statue and I have to decide which way to go... Left for a dole pineapple float, right for a ride on Space mountain, or straight ahead for Peter Pan (makes me feel like I'm 5 again) EP - Ice Station Cool! I know it's...
  20. kaliriverrider

    music at the polynesian

    Hi there, I have been trying to find out for years where i could get ahold of the music played throughout the polynesian hotel. I have asked at the desk, called the resort and posted the question on other forums but no luck! There is a certain really mellow slide guitar (or slack key...
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