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  1. Ariel1986

    Florida Resident Disney Vloggers on YouTube

    I’d love to be my own boss, choose my own hours and earn anything from a normal/liveable wage to the crazy high income some vloggers make, filming something I enjoy doing anyway. If they enjoy it and there’s an audience, more power to them. I find it very strange to be so passionately angry...
  2. Ariel1986

    Coronavirus and Walt Disney World general discussion

    The same. 15,000 cases in a population of 60 million. The very large majority in the north yet they have closed the entire country. I won’t be coming here to gloat, more just to look back on the madness.
  3. Ariel1986

    Coronavirus and Walt Disney World general discussion

    I haven’t changed how I feel. I just can’t be bothered to fight crazy. Companies scared for their liabilities and cancelling left right and centre doesn’t change the actual percentage of people being sick, but who cares huh? You know what the percentage of 1200 cases in 327 million people is...
  4. Ariel1986

    Trip Report **COMPLETED** The Princess Half Marathon: Training Not Required but Strongly Encouraged

    I'm impressed your eyeliner stayed in place throughout the race! How do you do that? :joyfull: Congrats on the race though. I don't know how you get up in the middle of the night lol!
  5. Ariel1986

    Coronavirus and Walt Disney World general discussion

    Let’s just say panic & fear mongering has never been beneficial, if not the worst kind of strain compared to the actual illnesses/issues/viruses in my (workplace) experience, during these times. But yes, I’m happy to bow out now and until we perhaps agree next time.
  6. Ariel1986

    Coronavirus and Walt Disney World general discussion

    I think it’s the fact that you live in New York, but think refraining from a trip to WDW is going to make a difference to whether you contract this virus- which still isn’t a given at all- and in most cases is going to be mild if no symptoms at all. Are you going to keep your children home from...
  7. Ariel1986

    Coronavirus and Walt Disney World general discussion

    I work for an NHS Clinical Commissioning Group. But carry on. And no, I did not say “most people will be fine... I hope”. There is a mortality rate. People who are immunosuppressant are at risk. And there are precautions that should be taken. I’m just sick of the fear mongering, panic-sheep...
  8. Ariel1986

    Coronavirus and Walt Disney World general discussion

    Yes I’m sitting here with my fingers in my ears going la la la I don’t want to hear your point because I want to travel/go to Disney etc etc. Or I’m just being realistic and not freaking out over the fear mongering click bait media all over the world, knowing that taking the recommended...
  9. Ariel1986

    Coronavirus and Walt Disney World general discussion

    I’m from London in the U.K. you know, another urban area with millions of people.
  10. Ariel1986

    Coronavirus and Walt Disney World general discussion

    There has been no viral outbreak. There have been no feds/state suggestions that public gatherings be postponed for any amount of time. There has been two cases reported outside of Orlando. And to quote @rmwebs again as I was in my original post: “Honestly I'd go with there have problably been...
  11. Ariel1986

    Coronavirus and Walt Disney World general discussion

    Why more people aren’t realising this I’ve no idea. This thread has been fascinating. This whole thing has made me question how some of the population manages to leave the house and makes it through day to day life 🤦🏻‍♀️
  12. Ariel1986

    Trip Report THE ONE...(February 2020)*COMPLETE*

    Wow what a lucky guy (apart from the actual aneurism of course...)! One of those moments it feels like someone was really looking over him!
  13. Ariel1986

    Trip Report DVC, Dinosaurs, Buckets & Booze! Now with added London & Paris! COMPLETE!

    Wow thank you those are some lovely things to say! I’m glad you enjoyed reading. I think my iPhone can take the credit for the photos it’s a great camera lol! And do you know I actually didn’t- I forgot really! You’ve reminded me to do it. I’ve seen them mentioned a couple of other places now &...
  14. Ariel1986

    Trip Report DVC, Dinosaurs, Buckets & Booze! Now with added London & Paris! COMPLETE!

    Ahh thank you for liking! There’s one more stage for the videos with the most likes/a couple of wild card choices. We find out next week 🙂 And thanks for reading!
  15. Ariel1986

    An absolutely fantastic read that should be mandatory for all of us

    The article made me roll my eyes so much by half way through that I stopped reading 🤷🏻‍♀️
  16. Ariel1986

    Trip Report DVC, Dinosaurs, Buckets & Booze! Now with added London & Paris! COMPLETE!

    Ah yes I can see how it works as a top up! And I did used to love it growing up. Thanks for reading along, we did have fun! I hope you get back to WDW soon 🙂
  17. Ariel1986

    Trip Report THE ONE FOR THE SALTY 16 (and Thanksgiving🍕)*COMPLETE*

    Have fun on both trips- and yay for the live one! And exactly, it will no longer be a solo trip 😁
  18. Ariel1986

    Trip Report THE ONE FOR THE SALTY 16 (and Thanksgiving🍕)*COMPLETE*

    I’m late finishing reading this, but caught up now! Enjoyed following along- I hope you do a live one for the next trip!
  19. Ariel1986

    Trip Report Rise of the Popcorn Bucket

    I’m sorry to hear about your grandma, she sounds like a wonderful & strong lady. Positive vibes to you & your family ❤️ And sorry about work too- what a tough time! Hope the situation there gets better soon.
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