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  1. Steve1005

    How Many Days for you Part 10

    128!!! DL honeymoon! :)
  2. Steve1005

    Trip Report No Creative Title...Just my Live Trip Report from Disneyland!!

    Cool. Thanks too!! I can't wait until I can book my tour! I hope Club 33 is done by November so I can check myself in on facebook. Lol great read btw, its really getting me excited for my trip!
  3. Steve1005

    How Many Days for you Part 10

    That bus Is the best, and then later, the absolute worst site when you get to Florida.
  4. Steve1005

    How Many Days for you Part 10

    130 till disneyland honeymoon!!! :inlove:
  5. Steve1005

    Trip Report No Creative Title...Just my Live Trip Report from Disneyland!!

    Pics of the apartment? I heard before that they wouldn't let you take any. Makes me even more excited to take the tour in November. :) P.S...When did you book the tour? I read one place 30 days out and other places say 60 days. Keep enjoying your trip!!!
  6. Steve1005

    Trip Report No Creative Title...Just my Live Trip Report from Disneyland!!

    I'm using this TR to live vicariously through you while waiting all the way till November to go myself! Really wish I could have gone to Paradise Pier or another DL resort but it wasn't in the budget. Maybe next time. :)
  7. Steve1005

    How Many Days for you Part 10

    132. God, this countdown seems to be never-ending! Aaaahhhhhh!!!!!!:banghead::banghead:
  8. Steve1005

    How Many Days for you Part 10

    That's the plan! :) The future wife doesn't know it yet, but I'm gonna try and get a nice romantic dinner at Blue Bayou right by the water, and we're gonna do the walk in Walt's footsteps tour on our first day! If all goes to plan, it will be amazing!
  9. Steve1005

    How Many Days for you Part 10

    135 and counting! Can't wait to see DL for the first time! @coachwnh have a safe trip!
  10. Steve1005

    How Many Days for you Part 10

    Today is an actual milestone for me! Its been 173 days since my WDW trip started and 173 till the Disneyland honeymoon! I'm at the peak, its all downhill running to the finish now! :)
  11. Steve1005

    How Many Days for you Part 10

    143 till Disneyland honeymoon!
  12. Steve1005

    How Many Days for you Part 10

    A very very long 144. I just wanna get to DL, then get home and try to figure out a way to start a new WDW countdown. :)
  13. Steve1005

    How Many Days for you Part 10

    I kind of like this monday thing. Makes the number seem smaller. That would put me at 22 mondays till DL!! :)
  14. Steve1005

    How Many Days for you Part 10

    146! Its getting there. Slowly...but its getting there. :)
  15. Steve1005

    How Many Days for you Part 10

    150 Disneyland honeymoon!
  16. Steve1005

    How Many Days for you Part 10

    152 till Disneyland!!!
  17. Steve1005

    How Many Days for you - Part 9

    I was wondering why it was so quiet on here lately. :)
  18. Steve1005

    How to: Trip Countdown

    Honeymoon in Disneyland!!
  19. Steve1005

    How Many Days for you - Part 9

    Till Honeymoon at Disneyland!!!
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