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  1. T

    Things that gross you out in WDW.

    gum on rails is one of the worst for me
  2. T

    What would you say to someone in your party that is complaining while your at WDW?

    ^^^Haha... I like that one. I probably just say something like this is a memory you will cherish a life time and here you are complaining.
  3. T

    WDW Attraction Pictures

    Great photo. Love the branch artwork.
  4. T

    WDW Photo of the Day Thread (Part 9)

    ^^^Whenever we arrive at the Disney, that is always my first thought: "Let the Memories Begin"
  5. T

    What other hobbies/addictions do you guys have?

    Football. Watching mostly. Played a bit in highschool, but not much since. Enjoy jogging. Toying with the idea of doing a 5K next month.
  6. T

    What makes Disney World "Disney" to you?

    For me it's seeing the excitement of my kids. It takes me back to when I was a kid and went with my parents. Their smiles and laughter is what keeps us going back.
  7. T

    Nutella waffle sandwich at Sleepy Hollow

    I think I'm gonna fire up the waffle maker on Saturday....this looks so good.
  8. T

    What did you do?

    No I've never done a Disney event. I've thought about it. Where can I get more information about it?
  9. T

    What did you do?

    walked & jogged off and on for an hour this morning.
  10. T

    Should we visit Kennedy Space Center?

    My wife and I both dreamed of being astronauts as children, so KSC was a must for us. I went when I was in elementary school, and remember that's where I feel in love the idea of space travel.
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