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  1. P

    WDW Reopening Estimates

    So I'm assuming the resorts are packed for the foreseeable future. Do we know if the full resorts alone will be more than attendance minimums will allow? Maybe that's a reason for all parks to open at the same time? If they hold more than minimums reported, then what?
  2. P

    WDW Reopening Estimates

    I was at that bar last summer too. Lol. It's a blast.
  3. P

    WDW Reopening Estimates

    Ha nope. I tell anyone that will listen how stupid most of America is. Ha.
  4. P

    WDW Reopening Estimates

    I've been turned away from parks before for them being at capacity and it was what it was. Wasn't happy about it, but accepted it. I think the scenario of people hearing it's open and running blindly to the parks would be so rare that I don't think it's impacting their decision much at all. I...
  5. P

    WDW Reopening Estimates

    Damn it looked so official and presented in such an authoritative manor. So to quote the great Eddie Murphy, "just regular old cracker". Not a Ritz?
  6. P

    WDW Reopening Estimates

    Thx for any info, but where's this coming from? Lol, so I know how to take it.
  7. P

    Coronavirus and Walt Disney World general discussion

    I've seen many many Brazilians and other South Americans at WDW on every trip we've ever had. And I always think the same thing.....Damn I wish I owned a spandex distribution center in South America. But never thought of them be unruly.
  8. P

    WDW Reopening Estimates

    Although we disagree on the big picture, I completely respect your opinion and the way you present it. My wife and I both work at a hospital, she's on the medical side and based on everything I see and hear, the numbers say we are ready to open smartly. For the right reasons and emphasis on...
  9. P

    WDW Reopening Estimates

    Lol don't tease us. We need to know.
  10. P

    WDW Reopening Estimates

    I hope you're right. I'd do masked cartwheels....6ft away from everyone of course.
  11. P

    WDW Reopening Estimates

    Just read an interesting story that landlords are all preparing to evict renters that are behind on rent as soon as the eviction ban is over. Sounds like there will soon be thousands of people evicted soon. Didn't connect the dots that they have no income tax in FL, it's all based on tourism...
  12. P

    WDW Reopening Estimates

    Don't you know it can be transmitted through the internet? OMG, you're crazy for being online. You could die soon.
  13. P

    Coronavirus and Walt Disney World general discussion

    Just read something saying that masks kind of eliminate the need for being 6ft away. Distancing is a safety precaution in case the wearer doesn't wear the right kind of mask or utilize the mask correctly. And doing both of them correctly is overkill. Looks like dummies ruin it for the rest of...
  14. P

    Coronavirus and Walt Disney World general discussion

    Yeah, We agree. The only point I was making was how disrespectful people are when disagreeing. The other things were just examples of what the silly fights were about (was triggered when I logged in and saw all the rude and aggressive posts), not suggesting limiting offshoots.
  15. P

    Coronavirus and Walt Disney World general discussion

    Man, I'm getting tired of the small empty people here that ruin the thread by wanting to argue about apps, masks, economics and whatever other stupid topic you want to be triggered about. Pursueing people for wanting to change the topic from a disagreement just to be a jerk. I'm here to talk...
  16. P

    Coronavirus and Walt Disney World general discussion

    Coincidentally I don't want to hear about masks one way or another. It's been beaten to death here, we've been told to refrain from it and no one is changing their mind based on your dribble here. If you're too weak to hold back go somewhere else to post it. We have some exciting news on the reg...
  17. P

    Coronavirus and Walt Disney World general discussion

    Ok. Now that Universal is opening in two weeks and WDW should be announcing their plan soon, all the public relations, economics, business and medical experts are really grinding my gears.
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