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  1. W

    Guess what?

    Ooooh, is Kali River Rapids open today???
  2. W

    Kali River Rapids

    Anyone know if the Rapids is open today in animal kingdom? We were there earlier this week and it was closed.
  3. W

    Opinions on Radisson Worldgate

    great to hear... only 35 sleeps till we're there!
  4. W

    Opinions on Radisson Worldgate

    I'm booked with them in February... pls post how things went with them after you return :)
  5. W

    Obnoxious Park Visitor Stories

    Maybe it wasn't there fault, I went on splash mountain early one morning and the moisture that was present in the cart left me stinking like BO for the rest of the day. I'm not sure if it was cause someone smelly had just ridden in this cart or if the water on the seat was stale and nasty...
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