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  1. kgray18

    Going tomorrow!!

    Thank you so much everyone! I'll definately head over to get a fast pass for EE first thing and then straight to the Safari it is for the first adventure of the day. Thanks again!!
  2. kgray18

    Going tomorrow!!

    So we're headed down to WDW tomorrow to spend the weekend. We're planning on going to AK on Sat. & MK on Sunday. I have a few questions as I've never been to AK. I was planning on packing a small bag of snack, drinks, and pb&j sandwiches for my 2 kids to save some cash (hate seeing a plate of...
  3. kgray18

    2008 Marathon Weekend: How Did You Do?

    I'm hoping I'll be able to keep up my running. I'd really like to finish the 09 half under 2 hrs (2:11 in 2008); without feeling like I'm going to die. If I stay injury free and keep up my training base, I think I should do fine. I'd also like to take my time through MK and maybe stop for a...
  4. kgray18

    2008 Marathon Weekend: How Did You Do?

    Well, I'm signed up to run the 1/2 in 2009. Training won't officially start for me until September. I'm trying to keep my running base at about 22-25 miles a week; give or take a few. It's going to get more difficult as the hotter temps arrive. Hope everyone has a great summer running season!
  5. kgray18

    2008 Marathon Weekend: How Did You Do?

    Great job Scott! How crazy to bump into you in Corral C! This was our first half marathon too and we were happy with our time. 2:11:47 (my husband beat me by one second!) We had so much fun and willmost likely run another one. Took the family to MK after the race and had a blast.
  6. kgray18

    2008 WDW Marathon Weekend Roll Call

    The longest race we've completed is the 15K Gate River Run in Jacksonville, FL which wasn't long enough to get us in a specific pace wave. I think that means they stick us in the way back and we'll have to bob & weave for a while. My race number is 24517.
  7. kgray18

    2008 WDW Marathon Weekend Roll Call

    My husband and I will be running the half marathon and will be staying at Disney Beach Club. We are bringing our two kids (18mos. & 3) and plan on going to MK after the race. Hope my legs can handle it!! Adrenaline will get me through the day, right?! Grandparents are coming too to watch the...
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