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  • Moving to Clermont - early 2020!!
    Congratulations on the move, looks like we'll be neighbors! Well, not exactly. We're in Polk City which is about 30 minutes south of you. We've been here three years now and love it. Good luck and enjoy!
    Now debating on adding on a 3 day Bahamas Disney Cruise at the end of my trip. 3 day cruise for less than $1000...decisions, decisions....
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    Next trip has been decided: October 21st-30th 2014!! Going to hit up Universal & Sea World while I'm in town too.
    Not sure when my next trip will be, because I'm apartment hunting and my rent is going to go up at least $200/mo :(
    For some reason, it seems to be somewhat better now than when they first converted to the new format (at first it seemed like there was no relationship to what was posted recently). Anyhow, now, it somewhat seems to correlate to what has been posted recently.
    Nevertheless, it's a far cry from the "good ol'" wdwmagic!
    Just noticed your comment about the new forum layout. I totally agree!
    I used to be on this site hourly at any cost.
    I've probably only visited 10 times in the past year! :(
    Hey, we're from Chamberlain, SD. Have a great cruise! We went on the Dream in January and loved it. I'm sure you will too.
    hey thanks for the pleasure island reference i miss it. anyways i think its ironic we both were at disney this past janurary. did u stay at the pop? thats where I truely is a small world afterall :)
    Hi! Are you in Sioux Falls too? I figured there had to be more people from here on the boards, but haven't seen any yet. 37 days left for me!!
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