Yesssss if you see me and Otto, you and Miss Lisa are REQUIRED to come over and crash our party. Please do! I'm totally annoyed I can't do that Friday but I can't get off work so I am stuck just with Saturday and we may come back Sunday....dunno. Sunday would be a different park. Haven't been to WDW since 3/20 so I'm getting a little worked up to go back.
Nooooo, man. I've been busy busy busy. LMAO proof-reading is a good idea because I just typed busty instead of busy. Sheesh LOL. The T is waaay too close to the Y.
How have you been?
I'll check out the twitter thingy.....hmmmmm.....LOL
I still have a TON more pictures to upload! Wait until I type it all out and start the thread... Glad you like them! And yes, Dreamfinder came to my birthday dinner at Les Chefs de France. It was amazing.