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  • Hi there...I just saw your post about Coronado springs and was curious about your experience. We have the Polynesian booked (for $2300), and keep thinking about how we could save $1000!! if we went to a moderate resort. We've stayed at both of the Port Orleans and Carribbean so want to try something new, but were concerned that Coronado would be different since it is a conference center and alot of businesses book there. Also, we were just at Riverside last month, and our room was not as nice as I expected.
    Did you like Coronado? Was it clean? Do they have the hair wraps, tattooes, and caracitures at the main pool?
    We will have a car, so the size of the resort and bus situation doesn't bother me, I just wanted a personal experience opinion!!
    no way! that's so funny. its always fun to meet other jersey disney dorks but glen ridge is so tiny i never thought i'd meet one from there. have a great weekend!
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