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  • Tuba-I just finished my Junior Year of high school yesterday.

    And with work conditions like that,I wouldn't mind a few ghosts either...Just pretend you are in the HM.LOL
    No...Not yet.Law school will happen year after next.High school and undergrad school comes 1st. :D

    And actually,he made it very easy to quit.I knew I needed more time for my studies and he just gave me a way to get rid of someting that was stressful.I do miss band though.

    And where you work is CREEPY!I don't know how you stand it! :o
    It was actually the new director that forced me out...He was a total @$$ and he basically killed my love for the entire band.He was one of your radical military types and anyone who didn't have band as their 1st priority was a "enemy".Naturally my grades and my future career(law) were my first priority so he was very abusive(verbally) when I would do something wrong.He blamed my priorities for having less time for band and such.When the opportunity arose to take more AP classes and quit band I jumped at the chance.This was all in sophomore year...Freshman year was a dream.The original director was AMAZING and I had the best friends in the world.Unfortunately they were seniors and graduated.

    We played in Disney for the "Dreams Come True" parade on a field trip.It was amazing t go backstage and actually be a part of the magic.It was also the one *good* thing that the 2nd director did.
    Hey!I played the Clarinet in my two year stint in the band...Freshmen and Sophnore year.The n the AP classes and the evil Director forced me out.LOL.It was amazing experience(especially playing in Disney) but more important things came about.

    But it's all cool.My love for music will never die.
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