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  • Why hello stranger! My wall is very happy to see you again.

    I was going to be a sexy Snow White. But due to the blizzard, I might take it back. :lol:

    Are you dressing up?
    Hi. I miss you. I miss texting, I miss phone calls, I miss internet that works, I miss having the time to sit down and chat.
    I hate THE WORLD right now. Except for you. This computer frustrates me to no end and I'm ed off right now. $(*&^*%^$ thing. Bah!

    Good night. Sleep sweet. And I'll talk to you tomorrow, hopefully.
    Awesome. :D

    And damn it. I knew I shouldn't have mentioned that. But it doesn't matter, 'cause I'm going to win no matter what.
    I'll catch ya...somehow. Maybe I can lure you in with nutella cake or something.

    Okay, so if I do lose (which won't happen), I'll just say I let you win because you haven't played it as much as I have. That works!
    Yes, run FAR away. Or I won't tell you and surprise you. "Surprise! Now you can't run away!"

    Sounds like a good plan. You need all the practice you can get. And your crazy fits won't work on me this time. I'm ready to win. :D
    Alright, you can have it. But I get to visit it any time I want.

    I...don't think it would work that many times. But the picture in my mind of someone doing that is pretty funny. :lol:
    Awesome. Now, who gets to keep it? You or me?

    I think so. I'll have to try it again and see if it works. I like, spazzed out when I put my AP in. :lol: I didn't mean to put it in twice. To my surprise, there were two legit fastpasses for me!
    SSE. Or a lion from Animal Kingdom. Or a churro. I don't know.

    Oh, and I think I found a way to cheat the fastpass system. You put your ticket in and take it out real fast then put it back in again and it gives you two fastpasses!
    I want to steal something! Let's do it in January. :lookaroun

    Oh, one of my friends used someone else's pass to get into Disneyland. That's the worst thing I've done. Even though it wasn't me sneaking in. :lol:

    Yes, you're a bad, bad person. Pool hopping? Lying to CMs? How do you live with yourself?!

    I like my not-so-secret. It's a special place.
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