LOL. nice nice. x] seems like something a guy would do. *COUGH* haha. Just messing around x]. Are there any rides going to be close while your at disney? I heard Spectromagic wouldn't be going on, since the bridge is getting refurbished ):
It's 4am and I just got back from a going away party for some CPs who leave tomorrow. I'm really gonna miss them. The College Program is awesome though. I think you should totally do it, if you can. I'm definitely going to do it again next summer.
Yeah. Dana found me first and I found you on her page. My College Program is scheduled to end Aug 15, but since I don't start school 'till Sept 22, I'm hoping they'll let me extend for a month. BTW Dana's not the only one who thinks you're hot
*BLUSH* Thanks! (and it's not satalker-ish at all, I think of you every time I see that Mickey shirt at work) Add me on facebook- Paul Chadkin (Drexel) Hey, are you coming to WDW any time soon?