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  • Love your pics EPCOT.nut (always have). Love what you have done with your profile here too.
    Greetings! I bring
    Hi...Saw your post in the Epcot Wand thread.

    Keep in mind that I'm just looking(with parental approval of course:D) and that the Hotel hunt continues LOL
    Wow..C25 sounds like fun.And you got to meet Martin!He's the ultimate fan,LOL.

    Good luck on your move too!-I guess that explains the "Happy Trailer Princess" Tag huh?
    Woah, another new avatar! Let me know if you feel like doing the whole Sweatfest preview/Epcot thing sooner rather than later, it's only gonna get hotter!!
    I think I have about #268 Figgy - that rings a bell. Maybe it is #368 - I have him packed because we are moving. Most of my WDW stuff is packed now. I had a hard time packing the shotglasses (they are all favorites) but I finally had no choice. All my maps are in a trunk so I can still get to them, thankfully.
    Yeah, C-25 was amazing. We were very close to the front during the rededication - I was right behind Martin while he was busily filming the ceremony. I think we were about 5 rows from the front. Too bad you didn't make it also. It was a great day.
    Yay...You might have contributed to my Figment purchase!I have #1005.You?And the shirts were amazing...I don't have one of those yet...But I'm searching.C25 sounded amazing.I wish I coulda gone.
    And I like the new Avvie.Great shirt!
    Hi there! Have fun picking berries :) I can go to Disney anytime really, no set plans at the moment, just waiting for a good excuse to use the gas!
    OOOOOOOH!...That's what it is!I couldn't see the eyes so...yeah...*turns red*

    Ebay is pretty fun.I collect pins so I can usually nab rare ones for half the price.And I found one of the 25th Anniversary Figgys for 20$ a few moths ago.
    Ah...I totally understand now.Smells and sounds do it for me EVERY time.

    Nostalgic...Me?..How'd you guess? :D

    Ebay luck...No such thing.I just paid $50 for a huge old SSE 2000 snowglobe.Meanwhile one just sold for 20!But Ebay is fun...Half my room is decorated in stuff from there.I should upload pics of my EPCOT room...

    Oh, and what in blazes are you posing next to in your avatar?!?I've been staring at that thing for hours and can't figure it out!:lookaroun
    Oh,thought it was your land we were talking about...Glad it's not.:)
    But in other cases,the gov't SHOULD compensate for the property loss...I did some research.LOL

    And,I totally understand about your map collection-I have one too!Of course I don't have from the '70's( I would LOVE to see those) but I have quite a few from the '90s and Early 2000's...They are in a box...Somewhere.But I LOVE looking through them whenever I can find them.

    Oh,and I reeeeeally hope Indy Speedway goes away soon.*cough*:lol::animwink::lookaroun
    Oh,wow...Hope that didn't cost too much*hugs*

    As for your land,It depends on your sort of contract...Was it gov't based?Or did the Gov't take it for some other reason?

    LOL-you sound like my Mom when I played the Clarinet in band!
    *This is your automated map mail reminder*

    And yes,I've seen the map.It's AMAZING!!!One of the nicest promos Disney did that day...I have all of the other 25th stuff(thank heaven for Ebay) and this is the last piece I need!

    I'm planning on going onto Constitutional Law...This plays on the history side of me.I love how all of the Law problems ion the world can be solved through the same problems we have had in our past.And besides that it pays well.

    Thanks for the complement...My school does not offer debate class but we had debates in my AP American History class and everyone would HATE me,LOL.The teacher called me the"orator" NEVER the compromiser.On here I guess I'm like that too-I'm just a bit scared as comming across as too harsh...I don't wanna be a Merf.

    Your husband is in a rock band?How cool!

    Have a great weekend BTW!
    It's fine...I'll PM you in the morning so you don't forget.Anyway,I like the suspense.I rarely get mail so this will be a treat LOL.

    Oh,and Boston isn't official either...Nothing is. :( We've been planning to go,but as usual,nothing is set in stone.Disney,however...my begging and long nostalgic stories at dinner might be helping my case(I told you I was going into law right? :D) My parents might be warming up to the idea as I told them a whole bunch of friends want to meet me and they seem to want to meet the "Epcot people" too.

    Oh,and did you ever get AIM?
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