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  • Thanks very much...I was thrilled when I got to include HG.I'm thrilled that a EPCOT'39 aficionado like you enjoyed it.It's definitely made me into one too.

    Thanks for the feedback and thanks so much for all your guidance.It really helped.

    Have a great weekend!
    Got a chance to read through it. Very nice. I like the inclusion of HG Wells in there. :)

    Hope you have a great holiday weekend! :wave:
    Glad your long national ordeal is over! :D I only had a chance to briefly glance over it last night (I was so tired my eyes were starting to cross!) but it looked pretty good from what I saw.
    tDonald,I know what you mean...I was trying to argue that point but it just became a flame war on the old EPCOT.:mad: Meh,in retrospect,no biggie.Peeps just got mean and that's wrong.

    Hey Jackie!Writing the Bibliography today and editing!Expect a Paper to read for tommorow! :D
    Mornin, Evan. Hope you have a great day. Good luck on the finishing touches on your paper.
    As much as it happens, I really wish people would stop talking about Epcot's past just to talk about how "bad" it is today. I think that it's future, as with all the parks, is MUCH more exciting and important.
    It may be a shame, but unfortunately, it is the truth. Maybe a hard pill to swallow, but one that should be. B/c for the most part, it is how the general public saw it to be...which of course, is what is important to Disney. What the general public thinks.

    And I'll try my best. :lol:
    Love the current Epcot.Always have always will.It's a shame that people thought it was boring.

    Do me a favor?Try and get Legacy off my back.This is getting a bit much.
    Well, I go at it as a guest of today and not a guest of yesterday...I used to be a guest of yesterday, but I was not impressed with the Epcot of yesterday. I found most of it extremely boring as a child...much like most people...which of course, you have to admit is why they started changing things to where they are now.

    As a guest who goes into Epcot nowadays though, Epcot really is a ton more fun than it ever used to be and as I said, while it's still not the most fun park to many, it's inching it's way there by adding attractions like Nemo (which, while that attraction per se isn't educational, you have to admit, it was a good attraction to add to 1. a failing pavillion and 2. b/c there really wasn't a whole lot for the little ones to do at the park).

    If you look at Epcot now...and there was no EPCOT Center, I'm sure you would think that this Epcot really is wonderful...and fun, which is the whole point Disney is trying to establish. They want something fun so families want to come back. Families don't want to go to a park they find boring...Epcot nowadays isn't boring the masses and that is the most important thing. Especially to a company like Disney.

    (Oh and I do like the layout! I think it's cool. I'm also not against Epcot...surprisingly, right now, it's my second favorite park on property, but that is b/c of the things they've added to the park over the last few years.)
    Hey too all of you!Re-write is going very well! :D I'll be sure to post the final product.

    Yeah,EPCOT.nut...Alot has gone on,but it will probally all be discussed again.
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