I'm very ready for my Birthday to arrive,thank you very much! Shame I can't go to EPCOT like last year...But seeing WALL*E and hanging out should be pretty good too.
OK - when I get outta this hotel room I will go do the download. I'm skeered to download anything on their wifi here. I think I'll be in the new home Wednesday. (I hope and pray...)
I'll check out the group, too. I meant to and then promptly forgot. Life has been really strange away from home. Tomorrow is day #14 in a tiny hotel room. YIKES.
Thanks again for the shot glass. You wouldn't believe the JOY in my soul when I got it! YAY! =)
I am so happy you like it!I was thinking that you might already have it or your liked the metl ones better but I guess not!That's very funny about the whole never getting it story...But I wouldn't want you to drive of the road for it...