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  • hey... would love to chat some night if you have a chance! My fiance and I are also looking to make the move to Florida and would love to have a friend to run ideas by... figured we're probably looking at the same information and such!
    Hey Shelley,

    Just discovered your blog, and I'm enjoying the relocation story. I'm hoping to move to Orlando after I finish graduate school (also hoping to work from home, like you, so I can go to Disney whenever I please!) So I'll definitely be coming back to your site.
    I thought I responded to erstwo, I'm sorry! My blog is I'm a Disney blogaholic too! I subscribe to over 200...
    I'm a Courseware Developer / Web Developer. I suggest searching or another similar site for "work from home" or "telecommute" but look out for data entry scams, there are lots of them. Good luck! :)
    I am curious at what work from home work you do? I have a situation at home where I need to start working plus be home and I would like to know about legit working from home place.
    Hey! I think you mentioned in your TR that you are doing a Disney blog now? Could you send me the blog address? I love blogs! And of course, I'm trying to up my Disney-geekdom now that you have thrown down the Mickey glove so to speak. :-)
    There have been many times that they waited until the last minute to announce details about Star Wars Weekends, unfortunately. So don't be suprised if they don't say anything for a while yet. On the other hand, you never know. I probably can't go this year due to finances anyway. :(
    Thank you so much for your message. It does help to know that it isn't my fault, I'm not a bad employee, these are just bad times. I hope your husband doesn't get laid off. I'll keep my fingers and toes crossed for him!
    I'm sorry to hear about your job situation. My husband's company has gone from 500 to 200 and yesterday he found out there will be more layoffs. I know it is no consolation, but it is happening all over. Take care and you are in my prayers!
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