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  • Saw your location and wanted to say Hi. Wow a lot of Chicagoland folks on here! I'm from Libertyville but now live in Kenosha.
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    Reactions: Cmdr_Crimson
    Yep! I'm 2 minutes to Ohare & The Blue Line...And walking Distance from the Rivers Casino...
    Love it down there. We were just at The Park Tavern last weekend and our favorite spot is the Halakahiki in River Grove. Small world!
    I saw your location and just wanted to say hi! I live near Wheaton. Nice to meet another Illinois Disney fan :)
    Hey, I saw your location and had to drop by and say "hey". I live in Hoffman Est. and grew up in Niles. I actually still play softball in Des Plaines and have for a long time. Weird!
    thought I'd let you know that I watched the happiest celebration on earth planning dvd last weekend - it seems to get better with age as I watch these new planning dvds

    I see that your favorite ride is TTA..That's cool. I like SSE myself.. TTA reminds me of Horizons ride...Do you agree!.. The AC is GREAT! I laugh when the announcer mentions towards the end of the ride to put your "tentacles" inside the car.. Very Funny.. Would it be something if there places in the universe where TTA is for real and not just a Disney ride.. I am not a UFO person so don't worry..

    The thing i appreciate about the imaganeers is that they always project a sense of "realism' in the rides. Very sureal experience.. I am very turned off by other theme parks which value screaming as part of the experience..
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