I was in Chatham approximately 3 springs ago. I had two roommates. The first roommate was a very openly gay guy. But not the likable kinda guy. He was very toxic and pessimistic. Was always like “Do you actually LIKE Disney?” And I said “Yea I love Disney this is a dream come true!” And all he ever did was complain day in and day out. He left the one bathroom we had an utter mess the whole time. Whenever I had something positive to say, he would shut it down with a negative remark.
The other guy was pretty nerdy and cool. And I feel Like I could Have been good friends with him. But he transferred to a different complex on the third day before I could Remember his name. I knew he hated our roommate and he got into another little click.
I worked Pirates, and my coworkers were a couple of girls who only used me as a ride to work and would never actually hang out with me. (I’m not a dweeb. I have A fiancé now for the record

) So coworkers at pirates sucked too. (For the record, we were DEFINITELY not trained properly. Me and my coworker apparently got the worst trainer. Most people flunked under her training but we passed somehow.)
Anyways... I actually ended up having a family emergency back home. And I’d be lying if I said I didnt use that as an excuse to return home.
I’d love to work at Disney full time someday. It was fantastic. But I dont want to ever be involved with DCP again. The students are all so very arrogant, rude, mean, rich boys & girls. They’re not Disney park history geeks either. They’re party people who go out to drink every night and that’s their entire personality. (I HATED THOSE STUPID PARTY BUSSES PARKING OUTSIDE OF CHATHAM EVERY SINGLE NIGHT!!) It was not for me. Not my kinda environment.
I would have stayed if I had My own place. I should have rented my own apartment instead of doing Disney’s dorms. Oh well.
Ive seen people make lifelong friends at DCP. And i know genuinely good fun friendly people who went. But I personally Couldn’t find anyone I could vibe with while I was There. It was the most depressing environment. Half of the people there didn’t even LIKE their jobs. They were just there to party and take a break from college.
Biggest let down of my life.