I don't. I hate tons of them.
There was a time when celebrities were universally adored, or at least not held in contempt. A big part of that was the overall Studio System that kept everyone in line, including the press. But now? It's a free for all of Free Speech and a rampant 24/7 news media for anything and everything that might get a click or a Like.
I'm honestly not sure which system is better; yesterday's Studio strictness, or today's free-for-all frenzy.
Late Nite Rambling On Brushes With Celebrity Greatness: My families rare brush with greatness came from my Mom's side of the family, who built homes on and around Balboa Island in Orange County just after the war, before that was the big deal it is now. In the 1960's when I was a teen, and into the 70's as a young adult I'd spend at least a few weeks every summer on Balboa Island. My Aunt Helen (not a real aunt) would come down the canal to my Aunt Lanette's (a real aunt) in her little two person fiberglass pedal boat. Aunt Helen would arrive dockside with her mass of red hair all piled up in giant swoopy curls on top of her head, with a matching capri-pants-and-blouse outfit on, with a HUGE plastic cup full of tonic water and a healthy dose of gin. My job was to jump in the pedal boat, Aunt Helen would slyly pass me a cold Schlitz, and I'd start paddling us across Newport Harbor, dodging small yachts and sailboats in a rather dangerous crossing of a fairly busy seaport. The goal was to get us as close as possible, without looking too weird, to John Wayne's harborside compound on the other side of Newport Bay. We only caught sight of him a few times wandering past the big windows in his lovely Newport home over the course of a decade, and maybe it wasn't even him. But it was Aunt Helen's dream that one day he'd come down, wave at us, and invite her in for a refresh on her gin and tonic. I was just happy to play along, and even then I knew it was all hilarious.
So here's to John Wayne, all of the Aunt Helen's in our lives, and whatever thrill one may find in brushing up to celebrity!
Social media embargo for Snow White lifts on 3/15 at 5:30PM PT / 8:30PM ET.
Review embargo lifts on 3/19 at 12:00PM PT / 3:00PM ET.
Thank you. That's interesting, and those dates are coming up faster than I thought. This should be great fun to watch!