Live-Action ‘Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs’


Well-Known Member
It's bizarre to be so defensive when there is a simple solution that satisfies both people who want to see "different attitudes" reflected in films while also not annoying those who don't want to see classics changed. Why not simply do the thing that is straightforward and addresses all concerns? Why do something that is likely to annoy a significant portion on the potential audience.

Go make a girl boss animated film. That's cool, no one is saying it is a bad idea on the surface. There's no reason that film should be "Snow White".
The classics aren't being changed.

The remakes are intended to be in dialogue with the classics. They are each in their own way a response to their precursors, some more successful and/or creative than others.

The existence of the remakes takes nothing away from the originals.


Well-Known Member
1. It’s irrational that they should be annoyed by a few seconds in a cartoon.
2. Proving #1, these things were no longer considered controversial until a minute ago.
3. Those who are suddenly upset about them when they weren’t before are being led around by the nose and falling for it.

Political boycotts of Strange World, Lightyear, and TLM are not justifiable.
Political boycotts? People did not feel they were worth going to the theaters, spending time and money to see them in those venues. None of the mentioned productions possessed the got to see, exciting and motivating anything that would draw folks to the theater. They are D+, DVD and stream material. All the rest is manufactured fake drama / controversy in a stupid attempt to get "The Audience" to go to the theaters right away to see what the controversy is about. People have better things to do. "Political Boycott" NO.


Well-Known Member
Some people need to go outside... yeesh.

Who knew the future was being battled over right here, right now in this very thread... vast conspiracies to be toppled day in and day out... the war of culture being decided by our very fingertips!!!!! You must fight against the hate or all is lost!!!!!

I had no idea we were so powerful here in this tiny little 20 year old fan forum, did you? 🤣

Doesn’t it concern you, however, that the confluence you’re describing didn’t come about spontaneously but because certain ideologically driven individuals dredged up old interviews with the sole intention of sparking such a controversy? What’s happening just isn’t normal.

It's the new normal.

Social Media, this time Tik Tok, has created stories like this that couldn't have existed just 15 years ago before we all got our first iPhones.

If Disney is too flat-footed to respond to this new normal, they should at least give their paid actors better Talking Points to use in media interviews at official Company functions like D23 Expo. Disney failed to give Miss Zegler appropriate background so she could handle interviews about her movie appropriately without upsetting the fans she needs to buy movie tickets in 2024.

It doesn’t matter. She still didn’t crap on the animated film, as you claim.

She didn't? Then how is this even a big media story? 🤔

And there’s a fun little game here - if marketers or filmmakers reach for new, increasingly lucrative markets - like, say, reaching out to LGBTQ beer drinkers or appealing to young female viewers - a large chunk of the “traditional” market is demonstrating a willingness to throw a temper tantrum and ruin a product. That’s what current events are meant to demonstrate. Yes, traditionally marginalized groups are growing in number and wealth, but you better not do what capitalism dictates you should do and go after those markets. The “traditional” audience insists they remain the ONLY audience.

Or perhaps, most people just want their beer to be beer, and not a purity test to satisfy DEI experts in the faculty lounge.

If your company executives are going to look down their noses at their core customers and proudly tell an interviewer that they want new customers to replace them, you darn well better have those new customers all lined up in bigger numbers and ready to go.

Bud Light failed at that, and failed so spectacularly that it's now replaced Edsel and New Coke as the analogy for "corporate failure".

Disney is on that same path, but in slower motion because their movie products only come out every few months. Unlike buying a case of beer every week or two, Disney's customer base for family movies only gets a few times per year to buy the product. Thus, the disastrous financial results in the free market are playing out longer than with Bud Light.

To be fair, I don't think Disney is in nearly as bad a shape as Anheuser-Busch is with brand damage, but it's not that far behind. And the similarities in brand damage between Disney family movies and Bud Light are fairly clear.

erasure fan1

Well-Known Member
Dan Levy, a gay man, and Kate McKinnon, a lesbian, have been doing ads for Tostitos for years. You know what brand didn't receive any backlash or boycotts? Tostitos. You know why? Because there's not a vast army of homophobes out there seeking to bring down any company that "reaches out to LGBTQ consumers."
And I didn't see any backlash to the DC show, peacemaker. And that was way more front and center than Disney when it comes to this topic. And by most accounts that I can see, most say it's better than any of the D+ marvel shows, and I agree, Peacemaker was awesome.
It seems that's just what they're doing, no?
No, they really aren't. Inspired by would be like what Zegler just did. West side story, inspired by Romeo and Juliet. This film is called snow white, and they are playing it as a direct live action remake.


Premium Member
Simple. When those movies were made, we had different attitudes about female roles in society, not to mention other kinds of people.

Why wouldn’t you adjust those things? It would make less sense to leave them alone.

It’s bizarre to take this much exception to something so innocuous.
This is so true. Sometimes an update is unobtrusive, has no effect on the original and just leaves out something anachronistic.

Disney left out Ursula’s verse about men not liking girls who engage in conversation and that girls have to hold their tongue in order to get a man. I’m not sure kids today would even relate to that.

My granddaughter isn’t going to hear that crap at home or school and there’s sure as heck no need for her to hear it in a currently made Disney movie. Ursula managed to get her villainy across just fine without it.


Well-Known Member
As I said to you the last time you responded to me with this image, I speak for myself and from a place of absolute candour, not out of blind loyalty to any company or ideology. If I like something (as was the case with the The Little Mermaid), I will say so. If I don’t like something (as was the case with The Lion King), I will say so just as readily.

The same policy will apply to my assessment of Snow White. I might love it, I might hate it, or I might fall somewhere in between, but I’ll have to actually watch it first before offering my thoughts. I lack the remarkable capacity for clairvoyant reviewing that so many here seem to be blessed with.


Well-Known Member
1. It’s irrational that they should be annoyed by a few seconds in a cartoon.
2. Proving #1, these things were no longer considered controversial until a minute ago.
3. Those who are suddenly upset about them when they weren’t before are being led around by the nose and falling for it.

Political boycotts of Strange World, Lightyear, and TLM are not justifiable.
I do not think its political and if it was about the kiss, it was a fraction of a second, I knew it was coming and I still missed it or didn't notice it. The better the movie, the more folks watch it. That's all it is.

I was told my a family member we now "own" a digital copy of Elemental, they do the clicking, I pay for the movies. I am looking forward to seeing it from the comfort of my home. Its the only way to go in my book.


Well-Known Member
Ugh, this is going to end up being worse than the Strange World thread in terms of toxic discourse.

I love the 1937 animated classic and feel it is misunderstood by modern audiences and I didn't love Zegler's somewhat flippant comments about it, but she was just offering her honest opinion in a very casual interview in doesn't deserve the harassment she's getting. And re-reading her comments, she never actually says she dislikes the original, she just acknowledges that the movie was made in a very different time and the remake will be told differently.

I can't judge the actual remake until I've seen it. Worst case scenario, it's a bad movie and we can all just quickly move on from it and rewatch the animated classic. Best case scenario, it's a pleasant surprise, elevated by Greta Gerwig's script, Mark Webb's direction and Zegler's beautiful voice. Either way, it's just a movie and shouldn't be at the center of a political controversy.


Well-Known Member
This is interesting... Apparently there's a TikTok video going around using old clips from Miss Zegler to make her look more gracious and appreciative than her other videos made her look when she commented on the original 1937 Snow White?

And the speculation is that this is Disney's way of offering an apology from Miss Zegler, because she is unable to comment on this situation formally because of the current strike. (I'd thought as much here in a few posts several days ago, so that seems to confirm that she can't represent Disney during the strike).


Tony the Tigger

Well-Known Member
Political boycotts? People did not feel they were worth going to the theaters, spending time and money to see them in those venues. None of the mentioned productions possessed the got to see, exciting and motivating anything that would draw folks to the theater. They are D+, DVD and stream material. All the rest is manufactured fake drama / controversy in a stupid attempt to get "The Audience" to go to the theaters right away to see what the controversy is about. People have better things to do. "Political Boycott" NO.

I do not think its political and if it was about the kiss, it was a fraction of a second, I knew it was coming and I still missed it or didn't notice it. The better the movie, the more folks watch it. That's all it is.

I was told my a family member we now "own" a digital copy of Elemental, they do the clicking, I pay for the movies. I am looking forward to seeing it from the comfort of my home. Its the only way to go in my book.
Are you seriously trying to assert there were no political boycotts of those films?


Well-Known Member
As I said to you the last time you responded to me with this image, I speak for myself and from a place of absolute candour, not out of blind loyalty to any company or ideology. If I like something (as was the case with the The Little Mermaid), I will say so. If I don’t like something (as was the case with The Lion King), I will say so just as readily.

The same policy will apply to my assessment of Snow White. I might love it, I might hate it, or I might fall somewhere in between, but I’ll have to actually watch it first before offering my thoughts. I lack the remarkable capacity for clairvoyant reviewing that so many here seem to be blessed with.
Its all in fun LB.

Actually we agree on TLM (I gave it an 8 out of 10) putting aside all the "check box changes". TLK, was just OK by me, we both agree the original animated version is the best.

If folks put aside the "check box changes" made to the recent (and future) remakes (and they will continue to do remakes until they run out of movies to remake) and try just to watch the movies maybe they will be OK.

Making their money back on the box office alone on these remakes will not happen.

They gotta hope to break even in the long run. Which it appears they they are OK with apparently.

I look on the bright side, they are employing a lot of people making these (movies?), win, lose or draw.


Well-Known Member
They’ve been releasing new stories in tandem with the remakes for some years now.
In the past three years alone we've gotten Soul, Onward, Turning Red, Raya and the Last Dragon, Encanto, Luca and Elemental. Wish is just around the corner.

All have been original movies. It's part of why I'm mad about the dumb "pixar is bad now narrative" as their recent movies, with the exception of Lightyear, have mostly been better than the onslaught of sequels and prequels we got in the 2010s.

Casper Gutman

Well-Known Member
With a good product...

That is an interesting assumption where we could do a deeper dive...

Don't really need to alienate anyone if you focus on creating a good product.
This is a cute response that pretends there is no need for ads or market outreach, by sheer force of virtue a good product will reach all consumers.

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