News Disney forms task force to explore AI across its divisions, including Parks, Resorts, and Walt Disney Imagineering


Premium Member
I asked Bard ...

PROMPT: Explain why it would be a good idea for the Walt Disney Company to utilize artificial intelligence like Bard.

The Walt Disney Company is a massive entertainment conglomerate with a wide range of interests, including film, television, theme parks, and cruise lines. Artificial intelligence (AI) has the potential to revolutionize many aspects of the entertainment industry, and Disney would be wise to utilize this technology to its advantage.

Here are some of the ways that AI could benefit the Walt Disney Company:

* Increased creativity and productivity: AI can be used to generate new ideas and concepts for movies, TV shows, theme park attractions, and other forms of entertainment. This can help Disney to stay ahead of the competition and create content that is both fresh and original. AI can also be used to automate tasks that are currently done by humans, such as scriptwriting and storyboarding. This can free up Disney's creative talent to focus on more strategic and high-level work.

* Personalized experiences: AI can be used to create personalized experiences for Disney customers. For example, AI could be used to recommend movies and TV shows based on a user's viewing history. AI could also be used to create interactive experiences that allow users to control the plot of a story or the outcome of an event. This would make Disney's content more engaging and immersive for customers.

* Improved efficiency: AI can be used to improve the efficiency of Disney's operations. For example, AI could be used to optimize traffic flow at theme parks or to manage inventory in Disney stores. This would save Disney money and make its operations more streamlined.
Overall, AI has the potential to be a major asset to the Walt Disney Company. By utilizing this technology, Disney can create more creative and personalized experiences for its customers, improve its efficiency, and stay ahead of the competition.

In addition to the benefits mentioned above, AI could also help Disney to address some of the challenges it is facing in the entertainment industry. For example, AI could be used to create new revenue streams by developing new forms of interactive entertainment. AI could also be used to combat piracy by making it more difficult to illegally distribute Disney content.

Overall, AI is a powerful tool that has the potential to transform the Walt Disney Company. By investing in AI, Disney can position itself for long-term success in the entertainment industry.
To be honest…this looks straight lifted from squawk box.

What it really is…is a way to drop payrolls and then shout that you will be able to extract every penny left in the pockets of consumers with it.

Which leads to Bobonomics BS…which totally scans. It fits right in.


Well-Known Member
I asked Bard ...

PROMPT: Explain why it would be a good idea for the Walt Disney Company to utilize artificial intelligence like Bard.

The Walt Disney Company is a massive entertainment conglomerate with a wide range of interests, including film, television, theme parks, and cruise lines. Artificial intelligence (AI) has the potential to revolutionize many aspects of the entertainment industry, and Disney would be wise to utilize this technology to its advantage.

Here are some of the ways that AI could benefit the Walt Disney Company:

* Increased creativity and productivity: AI can be used to generate new ideas and concepts for movies, TV shows, theme park attractions, and other forms of entertainment. This can help Disney to stay ahead of the competition and create content that is both fresh and original. AI can also be used to automate tasks that are currently done by humans, such as scriptwriting and storyboarding. This can free up Disney's creative talent to focus on more strategic and high-level work.

* Personalized experiences: AI can be used to create personalized experiences for Disney customers. For example, AI could be used to recommend movies and TV shows based on a user's viewing history. AI could also be used to create interactive experiences that allow users to control the plot of a story or the outcome of an event. This would make Disney's content more engaging and immersive for customers.

* Improved efficiency: AI can be used to improve the efficiency of Disney's operations. For example, AI could be used to optimize traffic flow at theme parks or to manage inventory in Disney stores. This would save Disney money and make its operations more streamlined.
Overall, AI has the potential to be a major asset to the Walt Disney Company. By utilizing this technology, Disney can create more creative and personalized experiences for its customers, improve its efficiency, and stay ahead of the competition.

In addition to the benefits mentioned above, AI could also help Disney to address some of the challenges it is facing in the entertainment industry. For example, AI could be used to create new revenue streams by developing new forms of interactive entertainment. AI could also be used to combat piracy by making it more difficult to illegally distribute Disney content.

Overall, AI is a powerful tool that has the potential to transform the Walt Disney Company. By investing in AI, Disney can position itself for long-term success in the entertainment industry.
Buzzwords - Automate, streamline = in plain English - layoffs


Premium Member
Not really understanding the big obsession companies seem to be having for AI.
I’m assuming it will save them money and increase profits some how…money is always the bottom line.


We are about here with AI:



Well-Known Member
People will laugh but they absolutely need to get in on this. There's far more to AI than you talking to a GPT bot.
As much as I joke, I agree the company should be looking into this, and a task force, to me, hopefully means it's not something to rush into like they tried to with NFTs and the metaverse (which, due to those little diversions, still has me a little hesitant to go all-in with AI, depending on what you're trying to accomplish).

However, the Reuters report had the one line that should put fear in anyone who has watched Disney spend money on technology in recent years....

This supporter sees AI as one tool to help control the soaring costs of movie and television production, which can swell to $300 million for a major film release like "Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny" or "The Little Mermaid." Such budgets require equally massive box office returns simply to break even. Cost savings would be realized over time, the person said.


Well-Known Member
I guess it depends how bad the numbers really are. Parks certainly don't look great for Summer or looking forward. Disney+ doesn't look to be in a grand position and movies have floundered outside of GotG3.
I'm sure the parks are fine in terms of sustaining but since the company has come to rely on their profits to make up for shortfalls everywhere else, they're likely not going to be able to bail out the Disney Co. bottom line like they once did.


Well-Known Member
So if they are looking at AI....Could we at least use it to bring back the voices of Jack Wagner for the monorail and...oh, I dunno Billy Barty for new Figment dialogue...


Well-Known Member
and what did AI say?
Sadly I think AI will be able to generate fresher ideas than are coming out of TDO...

The "Innovation Universe" Experience:

Concept Overview:Transform the Wonders of Life Pavilion into a cutting-edge, interactive experience focused on the marvels of human innovation, technology, and scientific progress. The "Innovation Universe" attraction celebrates the past, present, and future of human ingenuity, showcasing breakthroughs in various fields and inspiring visitors to explore the limitless possibilities of creativity and innovation.

Attraction Elements:

  1. Future of Technology Showcase: Engage with interactive displays and demonstrations of emerging technologies such as artificial intelligence, virtual reality, renewable energy, and space exploration. Experience hands-on exhibits, learn about the latest innovations, and even step into simulated future scenarios.
  2. Inventor's Workshop: Unleash your creativity in a dynamic workshop environment where visitors of all ages participate in inventive challenges, design prototypes, and experiment with various materials and tools. Channel your inner inventor and problem-solver, fostering a spirit of innovation.
  3. Time-Travel Innovator's Journey: Embark on a thrilling dark ride that takes you on a time-travel adventure through pivotal moments in history where innovation changed the world. Board futuristic vehicles and witness iconic inventors at work, experiencing their breakthroughs firsthand. From the printing press to the digital age, the ride offers a captivating narrative of human ingenuity.
  4. Exploring Sustainable Solutions: Delve into sustainable practices and solutions for a better future. Explore exhibits on eco-friendly technologies, conservation efforts, and sustainable urban planning. Discover how you can contribute to preserving the planet through interactive experiences.
  5. Innovation Expedition Coaster: Experience a high-speed indoor roller coaster that blends the excitement of a ride with an educational journey. Board futuristic coaster vehicles and zoom through a futuristic cityscape. Synchronized with audiovisual effects, the coaster showcases scenes of innovation and progress, taking you on a whirlwind tour through eras and technological advancements.
  6. Innovation Theater: Immerse yourself in a state-of-the-art theater hosting live presentations, talks, and discussions by renowned scientists, inventors, and thought leaders. Engage with experts and gain insights into the latest advancements in various fields, igniting your curiosity.
  7. Interactive Art Gallery: Engage with interactive art installations that fuse creativity with cutting-edge technology. Witness the intersection of art and science, inspiring you to see the world from new perspectives and sparking your own creative ideas.
  8. Innovation Market: Browse a marketplace featuring innovative products, inventions, and technologies available for purchase. Support startups and entrepreneurs while discovering unique creations that push the boundaries of innovation.
The "Innovation Universe" attraction offers a holistic experience that celebrates human achievement, inspires curiosity, and provides excitement for visitors of all ages. By seamlessly integrating educational displays, thrilling rides, and interactive elements, the pavilion becomes a dynamic hub for exploration, creativity, and the wonders of innovation.


I do like how it basically ripped off Spaceship Earth for "Time-Travel Innovator's Journey"

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