New profile posts

You're mean
What in the world did I do?
told a literal child to "go f yourself"
luckily an admin removed the post
Someone would have had to have been real nasty to me for me to say that. And admin didn’t delete it I just decided to be the better person and it wasn’t fair to everyone else. Perhaps what ever was written to or about me was deleted by admin I do not know. I don’t know if it was you or someone else who was trolling me but I already forgot about it and who it was.
good afternoon my good man, just wondering if you have any advice for a trip to Disneyland in which I'm trying to ride every ride at both parks
You probably don't even check in here anymore, Tom, but I just saw some of your articles on another blog website. Miss your pictures, buddy, but I'll start following you over there!
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