Your Restaurant List


Original Poster
What is you restaurant list, places you've eat at in Disney (not including quick service place cuz we'll never end, just full service restaurants) mine is:
MK- Tonys, Crystal Palace, Royal Table and Liberty Tree.
Epcot - (I'm going with the name of the pavillion because I dont remeber all of the names) Mexico, China, Germany, Japan, Morocco, France (both Chefs and Bistro) UK and Canada, Coral Reef and Garden Grill.
DMGMS- Sci FI, Prime Time, Holywood And Vines, Brown Derby and Mama Melrose.
AK - Rainforest
DTD- Bongos, Wolfgan Puck, Rainforest, HoB, and Fultons
Resorts- (AKL) Boma and JIKO, (BW) ESPN, Spoodles, Flying Fish and Big River, (WL) Wispering Canyon and Artist Point, (OKW) Olivias, (FWL) HDD Review, Trails Inn and MB BBQ, (Cont) California Grill, StakeHouse and Chef Mickeys, (Poly) Ohanas and old Luau, (GF) 1900, Citrus, Victria and Albert and Narcooses, (YC) (I cant remember the name) the stakehouse over there.

And pretty much all of the quick service stand in all the parks and water parks


Epcot is my fav

Active Member
MK- Columbia Harbor House, Cosmic Rays and Liberty Tree
Epcot- Mexico, Norway, China, Canada, and Rose & Crown
MGM- 50's Prime time Cafe and Brown Derby
AK- Rainforest Cafe and Pizzasafari
DtD- House of Blues, Fultons Crab House, Cheesecake Factory, Bongos and Planet Hollywood
Resorts- Boma, ESPN Club, Spoodles, Chef Mickeys, and Jiko

I also love The Land Pavillion's brownie food there is pretty good!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Hmm.. let's see

MK: Tony's Town Square, Liberty Tree Tavern, Cinderella's Royal Table/ King Stephen's Banquet Hall

EPCOT: Coarl Reef, Garden Grill, San Angel Inn (Mexico), Biergarten (Germany), Alfredo's (Italy) Merekesh (Morocco), Chefs de France (France), Rose and Crown (UK)

MGM: Hollywood Brown Derby, Sci-Fi Dine In, 50s Prime Time, Mamma Melrose

DTD: Wolfgang Puck Cafe, House of Blues, Rainforest Cafe, Planet Hollywood, Chef Mickey's (when it was where Rainforest Cafe is now)

Resorts: Artist's Point (WL), Whispering Canyon Cafe (WL), Kona Cafe (Poly), Polynessian Luau (Poly), Bomma's (AKL), Big River Grill (BW), the now-closed Bonfamilles (PO/ POFQ), Boatwrights (DL/ POR), Maya Grill (CS)

There were also a few restaurants at the Swan and Dolphin, but I have no idea what the names of those restaurants are (Maybe Coarl Isle and Garden Grove).


Well-Known Member
MK- Tony's, Cinderella's
Epcot- Canada, Italy
MGM- Sci-Fi
AK- Rainforest
DTD- Rainforest
Resorts- Whispering Canyon, Chef Mickey's, ESPN Club

we're not big eaters...especailly after a long day or two at WDW! plus it's just so gosh darn expensive...after spending all that money on room, tickets, souveniers, etc, there's not a lot left for big meals. i think we'd rather eat a quick bite anyway and then hit the parks again... not to mention that I have a stomach the size of a cat's (not literally...but a kid's meal at a big restaurant fills me up quick!) you can't tell it from the outside though! :animwink:


Active Member
MK: Tony's, Cinderella's Royal Table (dinner only), Liberty Tree Tavern
EPCOT: Coral Reef, Alfredo's, Teppanyaki Steakhouse, Biergartgen
MGM: Sci-Fi Dine-In, Mama Melrose's, ABC Commissary, Hollywood & Vine (character breakfast)
Resorts: O'Hanas (character breakfast), Contemporary Steakhouse, 1900 Park Faire (character breakfast), Kona Cafe, ESPN Club.

This year we'll be dining at Cindy's for the much-coveted, Princess Breakfast (first-time).


New Member
Oy this is a toughy:

Magic Kingdom: Crystal Palace, Cinderella's Royal Table, Tony's Town Square, Liberty Tree Tavern

Epcot: The Living Seas, Canadian Steakhouse, The Land

Disney Studios: Prime Time Cafe, Brown Derby, Sci-Fi

DTD: DTD: Rainforest Cafe, Planet Hollywood, House of Blues

Resorts- ESPN Club at the Boardwalk, Chef Mickeys at the Contemporary, Cape May at the Yacht and Beach, Gulliver's Grill at the Swan

That's about it for me...there are probably more that I can't think of right now, but I've been to all of the food stands and fast food places as well:)


New Member
Oy this is a toughy, but here they are:

Magic Kingdom: Crystal Palace, Cinderella's Royal Table, Tony's Town Square, Liberty Tree Tavern

Epcot: The Living Seas, Canadian Steakhouse, The Land

Disney Studios: Prime Time Cafe, Brown Derby, Sci-Fi

DTD: Rainforest Cafe, Planet Hollywood, House of Blues

Resorts- ESPN Club at the Boardwalk, Chef Mickeys at the Contemporary, Cape May at the Yacht and Beach, Gulliver's Grill at the Swan

That's about it for me...there are probably more that I can't think of right now, but I've been to all of the food stands and fast food places as well:)



New Member
MK-Liberty Tree

EPCOT-Coral Reef, San Angel Inn, Akersus, Beirgarten, Alfredo's, Japan(cant remember the name), Restaurant Marakesh, Chef's de France, Le Cellier

MGM-Brown Derby, 50's Prime Time, Mama Melroses, Sci-Fi

Animal Kingdom-Rainforest Cafe

Downtown Disney-Capn Jacks, Portabello Yacht Club, Fultons Crab House, House of Blues, Rainforest Cafe

Grand Floridian-Victoria and Alberts, Narcooses, 1900 Park Faire, Gasparilla Grill

Contemporary-Chef Mickeys, Concourse Steakhouse, California Grill

Polynesian-Kona Cafe, Ohana

Wilderness Lodge-Artist Point, Wispering Canyon, Roaring Forks

Animal Kingdom Lodge-Boma, The Mara

Yacht and Beach Club-Yachtsman Steakhouse, Beaches n Cream, Cape May Cafe

Boardwalk-Flying Fish, Spoodles, ESPN, Big River Grille

Other-Sandtrap Grille @ Osprey Ridge, Hoop-de-doo

Wow this made me hungry:slurp:


Here's mine:

MK- Plaza Rest, Crystal Palace, CRT

EPCOT- Alfredo's, Le Cellier

MGM- 50's Primetime, Mama Melrose

AK- Rainforest, Donald's Breakfastosaurous

DTD- Planet Hollywood, Catain Jacks

Contemporary- Chef Mickey's

OK I'm hungry now.:slurp:


Well-Known Member
Here are my pics:

MK-Crystal Palace
Epcot-Coral Reef
MGM- don't eat here
Resort- Between--Boma (AKLodge) and California Grill (Contemp.)


New Member
MK- Liberty Tree Tavern
Epcot - Garden Grill
MGM- Sci Fi Dine in theater
AK - Rainforest Cafe
Resorts - Chef Mickey's, Concourse Steakhouse(Contemporary)
Cape May Cafe (Beach Club)


Well-Known Member
MK: King Stefan's Banquet Hall, Columbia Harbor House, Cosmic Ray's Starlight Cafe, Plaza Pavilion
Epcot: Garden Grill, Coral Reef, Le Cellier, The Land
MGM: Sci-Fi Dine-In, 50's Prime Time Cafe, ABC Commissary
AK: Rainforest Cafe, Pizzafari
DTD: Rainforest Cafe, Planet Hollywood
Contemporary: Chef Mickey's

I love the pizza at the Plaza Pavilion; my family affectionately calls it the "grease sponge". I ate tater tots at King Stefan's when I was really little, and they were good. :) I'm a picky eater, so at a lot of these restaurants I ended up with just bread or fries. :p


Meega, nala kwishta!
Ok, I'll bite...

MK: Liberty Tree Tavern, Cinderella's Royal Table (dinner), Cassey's

EPCOT: Coarl Reef, Garden Grill, San Angel Inn (Mexico), Alfredo's (Italy), Chefs de France (France), Rose and Crown (UK), Nine Dragons (China), Princess Breakfast (Norway), Le Cellier Steakhouse (Canada)

MGM: Hollywood Brown Derby, Sci-Fi Dine In, 50s Prime Time, Mamma Melrose

AK: Restaurantosaurus, Tusker House

DTD: Rainforest Cafe, Fulton's, Armadilla (PI - Closed)

Resorts: Artist's Point (WL), Kona Cafe (Poly), Polynessian Luau (Poly), Ohanna's (Poly), Boma (AKL), Jiko (AKL), Narcossess's (GF),
Concourse Steakhouse (Contemporary), HDD Review (FW) be added to our next trip: Flying Fish, Marocco, Japan and Boma for dinner (always breakfast before)

Wow, did I really eat at all those places!?! I feel like a pig...


Well-Known Member
MK: Tony's Town Square, The Plaza, The Crystal Palace, Cosmic Ray's Starlight Cafe, and Cinderella's Royal Table

EPCOT: The Garden Grill, The Electric Umbrella, Biergarten (Germany), Le Cellier (Canada), Mitsukoshi Teppanyaki Dining Room (Japan), Nine Dragons (China), Restaurant Marrakesh (Morocco), Rose & Crown Dining Room (UK), and San Angel Inn (Mexico).

MGM: Hollywood Brown Derby, 50's Prime Time Cafe, Sci-Fi Drive In, Mama Melrose, and Pizza Planet.

AK: The Rainforest Cafe

RESORTS: 'Ohana (Poly), The Kona Cafe (Poly), 1900 Park Fare (GF), Big River Grille/Brewing Works (BW), ESPN Club (BW), Boatwrights (PORS), Concourse Steakhouse (Contemp), Whispering Canyon Cafe (WL), and Shula's (Dolphin)

DTD: The Rainforest Cafe, Fulton's Crab House, House of Blues, and Planet Hollywood.

There are some I can think of that are not around anymore (The Fireworks Factory, etc....) but I don't want to get in to all that. :)


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by maelstrom
I love the pizza at the Plaza Pavilion; my family affectionately calls it the "grease sponge".

me too!! they're the only pizza left on property that tastes like what Future World used to sell (before they turned them into Mickey Pizzas) yuummmmmyyyy! :slurp: you've got me wanting one now!
you're not the only picky eater here, maelstrom! i am too! there's only certain things i'll dare to eat. usually if we go to a steakhouse, i'll order from the kid's menu, or i'll get a cheeseburger.

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