Your Opinion on WDW


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Here is were i would love you all to tell me what you think makes WDW so damn great compared to other parks worldwide?


Well-Known Member
You don't feel like you are at any other park around the world; you feel like you are in a different world. A world where you have no worries and the most stress you'll experience is trying to decide what to do next. It all started with a man with a wonderful vision, to create a place where adults could take their children and both would enjoy themselves! Walt Disney is what made Disney parks special.
A place that anger can fade away and only happiness is shown... A place where you can enjoy being with the people you love surronded by magic.... Disney is just a place that is so special and magical you truly can't describe what you feel when you are there because it's a feeling that has no words just tears of happiness when you see that castle you just feel , safe.



Not enough room to put it all down.

It's the most beautiful place I've ever seen.

Rides are first rate. Shows are phenomenal. It's cleaner on it's worst day, than any other park is on it's best day.

Corny, but true. Just like they always say. There's just something magical about Disney World.


New Member
...because it's awesome...

Actually, it's quite difficult to explain, but here's the best way that I can put it: WDW is a place that is brings back comforting childhood memories such as being read stories about pirates and princesses or pretending you're a cowboy in the wild west. WDW makes these "pretend" things real, and for a day you feel like a six year old again. Also, the parks are clean, beautiful, well themed, and the rides are quite fun. Even with Eisner doing his best to destroy the parks, they're still doing well.

By the way, awesome avatar DisneyJill :lol: ...great movie...


New Member
Okay Disney mean's everything to me :). It's my "Happy" place. When I'm there I forget about any problems I have and nothing seems to bother me! When your in Disney it's like your in another world... the music the scents it's the whole package!!!


Well-Known Member
The Disney Difference

The feeling of "home"

Pure Magic

Pure Fun

Good for ALL Ages

the list goes on and on and on and on and on......


Well-Known Member
Because out of most theme parks I have been to WDW is top notch! I mean where can I go and see a castle everyday! Where can I see princesses and princes. Get a taste of pixie dust. Where can I go from one land to another. Where I can visit different countires without a passport... Do I really need to go on.....???


Well-Known Member
At WDW you really can feel like you've left your everyday life and worries behind you. The CMs are friendly and behave like they really like their job and they are happy you are there, unlike at some other places. There are so many extra magical touches that you find where you don't expect them - like Hidden Mickeys or names of real people on the Main Street second floor windows. Disney just seems to go that extra step to make things magic when other parks would have called it done.


Well-Known Member
"Its all pure magic wraped up in Pixie Dust, welcome to a place where dreams come true." Sung of course by the people who do the Trolley show.


Active Member
It's tough to describe, but it just makes you forget about everything else. It's basically a city with great things to do everywhere. It's a place that makes you smile just by being there.

General Grizz

New Member
This comes as a copy from one of my previous posts, and I wasn't about to retype it! :lol:


- Detail: The detail Walt Disney Imagineering puts into its attractions shows the amount of care it takes to create a totally new setting. The devil is in the detail, and most Disney attractions are famed because a visitor can "see something new every time!"

- Setting: The ability to create a totally new setting (i.e. who would ever know a Florida Swamp would be converted into an area where guests could go back to the beginning of time all the way into the future?) is a feat that Disney has always been able to master. Walt Disney World's unique "lands" complement this factor. Aesthetics are also important; Disney's themed areas definitely benefit from good looking areas. (i.e. Mission Space versus Test Track - which one looks more visually appealing aesthetic-wise?)

- Quality: One of the original reasons Walt Disney created Disneyland was because of the poor quality and upkeep of exisitng amusement areas. With Disneyland, the world saw something it had never seen before: a safe and trusted area only because of the consistent upkeep of the park.

- Originality: The originality of stories (from Enchanted Tiki Birds to Haunted Ghosts to Figment and Dreamfinder) define the highlights of the Walt Disney World experience. Music, song, and livlihood of the attractions draw crowds of all ages, all rooted from the will to take risks and actually invent something brand new. I could only hope at this point that the Walt Disney Company can go back to its traditional values, which include the use of traditional musical classics (i.e. Grim Grinning Ghosts, Small World, Horizons, Imagination, etc.)

- Story: "The story is everything," Imagineers say. And I'll agree with them - and if not everything, it's nearly everything. An attraction has no basis - no fundamental value - without the story. It has a lesson to tell, a mind to educate, or an emotion to liven. It has excitement. It puts the audience with the attraction before thrilling the daylights out of them. The best mix of story and thrill, for example, is Splash Mountain. If Disney were Six Flags, perhaps it would simply have a flume ride with minimum decor. But Disney's emphasis on story (at least in 1992) pushed an advancement in show technology, Audio-Animatronics, song, and a truly Disney performance into the picture. In fact, many of the "Splash" guests do not even ride the attraction simply because there's a huge fall in it.


- Family: Disneyland and Walt Disney World were made for the family. That's why it was built - pure and simple. (And by this I don't refer to a now-closed Wonders of Life restaurant! :lol: ) Today, the importance of family now shines with the new MAGICAL GATHERINGS (Magical Gatherings) program at the parks. The Magic Kingdom is the most popular vacation destination in the world because? Because there is something for everyone. It's not necessarily dark rides. It's not necessarily classics. It's not necessarily thrills. It's the variety of attractions and the appeal to all groups to experience them - - together! A perfect example of a family experience is the Wonders of Life pavilion at Epcot. (Magical Gatherings.) The pavilion is hands on - interesting for both kids and adults. Meanwhile, the Cranium Command is appealing to kids, but most of the comic gags are more commonly picked up by the adult family members. If thrill-seeking guests don't wish to experience these attractions, Body Wars (an educational thrill) thirsts their quench in the same pavilion. Another example would be the original Journey into Imagination pavilion; its creativity ride-wise AND Image Works-wise (perhaps the most creative area of Walt Disney World at its existence) gained it a family aspect for all to enjoy. (Magical Gatherings.) Similarly, the Diamond Horseshoe offered family fun for kids (to see their parents mocked), parents (for singing along to classics), and teens (because the show is just so darn hilarious). Unfortunately, Wonders of Life is closed half the year; Imagination was given budget cuts and is now lifeless; and Diamond Horseshoe is now kid-directed (no longer a pure "family" area). However, Philharmagic - a new Disney experience - does offer family fun for everyone and is a new model of the importance of family entertainment. (Magical Gatherings.)

- Heart: Walt's ethics were often reflected in his works. The means for the ethic were pure entertainment. The ethic - work AND thematic-wise - holds the basis for the heart-warming nature that guests are so fond of. From the ending of Snow White to the message of long-lost Disney attractions as "Horizons." Walt's message (If We Can Dream it, We Can Do it!) is something every American should consider, along with the Walt Disney Company itself. The "heart" and "spirit" behind Spaceship Earth, the American Adventure, Horizons, and World of Motion made these attractions hits among Disney fans. It's the resounding message, put even in comedic forms, that gives an attraction a true value. It's what makes it timeless.

- Technology: Disney often puts itself as leader of the technological world. I'm sad to say that it does not do this anymore. However, one of the best parts of Disney is its technological achievements nonetheless. Most recently, Lucky the Dinosaur made great advancements in the aspect of show. But technology serves as a COMPLEMENT - not excuse - for a ride. If the technology of Mission Space were blended with the spirit and show quality of Horizons, one ultimate Disney attraction could be built. While Horizons seems to have more nostalgic, heart-felt spirits from Disney guests, Mission Space can be easily replaceable with technology. Thus, it is a mixed blessing: should new attractions emphasize on technology or on show? A balance must be met, but new technology was definitely one of the key things that Walt himself became famous for (sound cartoon, theme park, color cartoon, 3-D cartoon, motion pictures - you get the idea). In fact, did you know that the prior World of Motion TRANSCENTER post-show was the *most photographed area in Walt Disney World* - including Cinderella Castle! Perhaps forward-thinking and risk taking had something to do with this.

Outside of the Attractions Magic

- Extra Mile: Disney's Cast Members are like no other in the world. Most will go the extra mile to get you what you need - or at least a smile. "Magical Experiences" certificates are even handed out to guests by Cast Members - a reflection of the magic they give to all visitors to the Magic Kingdoms of Disney. Although Cast Member quality is slipping based on Disney cutbacks, it nonetheless is overall excellent and should continue to succeed so. New management would definitely help the cast situation, as Disney has not treated its Cast Members (along with animators and Imagineers) very nicely at all.

- Live Entertainment: A must! The quality of Live Entertainment takes setting to a new dimension. The guest is submerged in music, laughter, or awe, adding to the complete Walt Disney World vacation. The Voices of Liberty is an excellent showing of Disney spirit while the Streetmosphere over at the Disney-MGM Studios completes the greatness of Sunset Boulevard. And who can't forget Four for a Dollar - the male quartet over at Studios? And although the Main Street Marching Band and EPCOT Future Corps are SORELY missed, it is the great entertainment that still draws guests together to experience something truly great.

I will now have a glass of water. And I have no intentions of proofreading this post. :p

(Magical Gatherings.)

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