Your Favourite Time Of Day.

real mad hatter

Well-Known Member
Original Poster
While staying at our favourite resort PORS,there's nothing I like better than getting up at around 6.30am and walking across the bridge at the sassagoula river.We always go in July therefore at that time in the morning the heat causes this mist rising off the river,it's so tranquil and picture perfect for that early morning photo shoot,then it's into the food court with the smells of freshly baked croissants and chocolate muffins.OMG,excuse me whilst I wipe the dribble off my face.So what is your favourite time of day?and do you have a special memory of it?:wave:


New Member
I love the late evening around 6:00 pm. The day is over and we are all really tired. Dinner is coming at a great Disney restaurant and., we will be getting our energy back for an evening swim., to go back to the park or to Downtown Disney.


Well-Known Member
Extreme early morning (around 6am-ish) or later on at night, both are wonderful. Early morning, ALL are chipper, friendly and send a *have a great day* your way. Late nite (for Disney, after 10pm) is quite enjoyable as well. Lots of parents, with sleeping families, go to the quiet pool, cocktail in hand, bubbling about a fun filled day they had and looking forward to the day to come, followed by a much needed, deep and relaxing slumber for the night.


Well-Known Member
I love the mornings.. Wake up calls at 6:30am and getting ready for the day. Knowing I have a full day ahead of me is an awesome feeling. I also love nights walking around the parks.. To me it feels like the parks are much more quiet at night and I feel so relaxed.


Well-Known Member
Super early mornings are also my favorite. Which is weird because in my normal life I hate early mornings. Nothing gets me out of bed like knowing I'm going to a Disney park, especially if I know the crowds will be low!


Well-Known Member
It's a toss-up between the time in the morning when we first get on the boat to head over to the MK for a day of rides, and the later evening when we're worn out (but happily) from our day and have several more days of the same to look forward to ahead of us.


Well-Known Member
Really late at Epcot on an EMH night, when World Showcase has emptied out and it feels like you have the world to yourself...

Also, early mornings and late nights at the resort when everything is peaceful and quiet.


Well-Known Member
Walking around worldshowcase at dusk. With no real agenda in mind. Just walking aimlessly as the sun is setting on all of the countries. :wave:

real mad hatter

Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Give us a Clue?

My favorite time of day is 3:49 am.

Ok,I know iam gonna regret this,but just incase their is a sensible answer.Why 3.49 am?like do you set the alarm? Maybe the mouse maid is out jogging naked?or it's the time the fairies come out to play?Come on,make my day.:ROFLOL::wave:


Well-Known Member
I love the early mornings. I get up around 5:00 AM and go out for a long walk and enjoy the cool morning air while almost everyone else in WDW sleeps. No busses, no people, just the occasional armadillo.

Susan Savia

Well-Known Member
I love the early morning. Everything is fresh and clean and you feel great that you got an entire day ahead of you of fun! Spaceship Earth then it's off to Test Track.


Well-Known Member
Early morning. Smelling the heavenly aroma from the Boardwalk bakery while sipping our coffee and eating a delicious croissant. Watching the ducks swim around Cresent Lake. The way the boardwalk smells after it has just been pressure washed. Then leisurely strolling over to DHS while looking for all the wildlife foraging in the shadows:)


Well-Known Member
I love the evenings around 6 and 7. This is usually when we are taking a break at the pool and getting ready to change and go back to the parks for more fun :D I also love when the castle is that purple color when it gets dark.

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