Your best WDW occurences


Original Poster
What was the best thing that ever happened to you at wdw? Well, I have two stories, each that oocured in Tommorowland. One time, while on Buzz Lightyear, we got stuck in the first shooting range, and I got an extremely high score. Also, once while on the TTA, some guy jumped off the ride, and jumped back onto the ground. So the ride stopped. When they continued it, Space Mountain had broken down, and they had all the lights on, so we were able to see the entire track. Much fun...


Originally posted by Hyperion93
What was the best thing that ever happened to you at wdw? Well, I have two stories, each that oocured in Tommorowland. One time, while on Buzz Lightyear, we got stuck in the first shooting range, and I got an extremely high score. Also, once while on the TTA, some guy jumped off the ride, and jumped back onto the ground. So the ride stopped. When they continued it, Space Mountain had broken down, and they had all the lights on, so we were able to see the entire track. Much fun...

jumped down to the ground? :rolleyes: someone had to many drinks..:hammer:


Well-Known Member
i have 2 as well.
1. i always go to singles line when riding Test Track. so i get seated with this family of 5 that look somewhat hispanic. the 2 kids and grandfather were seated in the front, while the parents and i were in the back. well, we go through all of the ride perfectly fine...and what happens? the car in front of us breaks down right as it gets the the last (and generally unused) loading area (spots 7 and 8, i think) we sat there for at LEAST 15 min. but we had some really good conversations and once we were finally able to unload, the dad was a real gentlemen in sticking out his hand to help me out of the car. i think about those guys all the time and wonder what they're doing and wonder if they still remember me.

2. May 2000. it's a long story and it's late and i've got a killer headache, so i'm gonna shorten it (if you're curious, just pm me and i'll be more than happy to give you the full story) but i found a castmember who was my age, worked at Test Track, and seemed to be really nice (judging by his conversations with my dad) so to say the least, my heart kinda skipped a beat when i saw him...just so happen on our last day, saw him at the hotel i was staying at (it's part of the long story) and let him slip away. one moment he was there, the next he was gone! i didn't even know his name! and even though i have gotten a little closer to finding him, my search still goes on. i don't know if i'll ever find him...but searching is half the fun! :)


My best occurence at wdw was when, my parents showed up to suprise my sister and I at our last dinner on our trip together. So my parents showed up at the resturaunt narcoose's and suprised us and were glad to see us, but then my dad was hiding my sister's fiancee out on the porch. so the four of us sat down and my dad asked the cast memeber's had if they could dressmy sister's fiancee up in a waiters uniform and had him serve the wine and suprise her. They dressed him up and they brought too the table and had him serve the wine and said hi to her and she was so happy to see her.

that was my memorable moment


New Member
one of the funniest things that ever happened to me was in April, when my best friend, my sister, and I got on one of the 2 last rides of space mountain for the day and it broke down. we were stuck in the ride and the lights were on, but my sister panicked and started crying...she thought we were going to was really funny...she thinks its funny too, looking back on it now.


Active Member
There are so many...the one that comes up in my everyday life is the one the last time we were at the Prime Time...for some reason (I think it's because I'm a kind of picky eater :) ), our CM made some remark about me being "high maintence" - It comes up all the time now! It was funny at the time, and it just keeps getting funnier because I know he's right! :lol:


Original Poster
Originally posted by SnowWhiteKL
one of the funniest things that ever happened to me was in April, when my best friend, my sister, and I got on one of the 2 last rides of space mountain for the day and it broke down. we were stuck in the ride and the lights were on, but my sister panicked and started crying...she thought we were going to was really funny...she thinks its funny too, looking back on it now.

Must've been cool to see the ride tracks upclose and personal.


Account Suspended
Last February our family visited WDW. We flew down to Tallahassee, FL on some business and decided to drive the rest of the way to WDW. We rented a Chevy Suburban and headed east on I-10 and then south on I-75. We had reservations at the AKL for 2 weeks. While driving on I-75 near Gainesville, FL and 16 wheel tractor trailer truck crossed over into the far left lane, struck our vehicle and forced us into a concrete barricade. The truck driver was drunk (3 PM) and was arrested by the state police. Both my wife and I suffered minor head injuries. The Suburban was totaled! We ended up in the hospital and the doctor insisted that we stay over night for observation. So we stayed the night, however, my laptop survived the crash without injury. I plugged in my laptop at the hospital and sent an Internet fax to the WDW CRO explaining our problem (i.e. that we would be a day or two late). They not only held our reservation, but they refunded us the money for the first night and then gave us a discount on the rest of our stay! Great service! They didn't have to do anything because we had prepayed the entire amount. Yet we got a refund.


Well-Known Member
that's a terrific story, Talsonic! thanks for sharing! i hate that that happened to you and your wife, but i'm so very glad that it all ended for the and your wife survived with minor injuries, the 'bad guy' was caught and prevented from doing other people or himself harm, and Disney proved themselves to be quite the generous buisness to deal with in unexpected situations! i like that! that's just one of those 'feel-good' stories, as i like to call them! :D


Well-Known Member
One of the nicest experiences we had was at Epcot a few years ago. There were five of us, and we all had APs. For some reason, two of the group could not get the finger scan to work at the gates, so the CM just passed them thru. When we go to get our first fastpass, those two could not get one. SOOOO off we go to Guest Services, where we were helped by the nicest man. He was in his sixties, and he was great! When we explained our problem, he told us that the CMs at the gates are supposed to know that APers have to have their ticket scanned in, because the computers won't know you are in the parks otherwise. He insisted that we wait while he went up to the gates with the two passes and properly logged us in. Then he gave us free passes to Test Track! He was awesome! It's people like him that make your trips to WDW memorable.

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