You won't believe this one!


Well-Known Member
I'm not saying what the mother did was right but the child could of had a problem that meant the chances of them holding 'it' until they got to the bathroom were slim. My sister is one of the unlucky people like this who may (hopefully it wont happen) but may have to catheterise herself inline for an attraction if for some reason her bladder feels overly tight...I'd hope no one would call that gross.


Active Member
We had a situation similar to that...but I think we were a little more "on the down low!"

We were on IASW and about half way through our 3 yr old daughter said, "Mommy...I have to go potty REALLY bad." We told her to hold it that we'd be off soon.

Well...right towards the end, the boats backed up and we least 6-7 boats until it was our turn to get off. She kept saying "I REALLY have to go" and then proceed to get up and start getting off the boat! I don't know where she thought she was going, but she was determined to get off that boat!

My wife has some zip lock bags in her we pulled one out, stood her up and let her go! Luckily is was dark...and we were in the back of the boat. No one saw us...thankfully. We quickly zipped the bag up, put it in the back pack and headed straight to the restroom to dump the bag. 2 years son (then 4) and daughter STILL talk about going potty in a bag!!!!!

I know it's gross...but what can you do?:ROFLOL:


That is awful!!! However I think it is even grosser when they just drop their pants and ______ in the the woods or dire circumstances I can understand, but sometimes this would happen NEXT to the bathroom. YIKES!!!

I have been one of "those" parents, who have had their son go in the woods, near a bathroom (Not at DW though, or other theme parks or places like that) I do try to be discreet. At a park we have gone too, the bathrooms were entirely too gross to go into. Seriously, I would never touch the door handle and you dry heave just walking in. It was surprising to me, because the playground is always so clean. Anyway instead of subjecting ourselves to this, we find a large tree out of eye shot. Flame all you(general you, not you you) want, but imo, better in the woods than having an accident on the slide. In any event - I do think the water bottle on line is just nasty, although I do see the point a previous poster had about not knowing about extenuating circumstances. That being said, we left plenty of lines in WDW for the last minute "I have to go" situations, and I do have to say, given the fact that DW bathrooms are used by soooooo many people, I thought that they were incredibly clean!


Well-Known Member
I have been one of "those" parents, who have had their son go in the woods, near a bathroom (Not at DW though, or other theme parks or places like that) I do try to be discreet. At a park we have gone too, the bathrooms were entirely too gross to go into. Seriously, I would never touch the door handle and you dry heave just walking in. It was surprising to me, because the playground is always so clean. Anyway instead of subjecting ourselves to this, we find a large tree out of eye shot. Flame all you(general you, not you you) want, but imo, better in the woods than having an accident on the slide. In any event - I do think the water bottle on line is just nasty, although I do see the point a previous poster had about not knowing about extenuating circumstances. That being said, we left plenty of lines in WDW for the last minute "I have to go" situations, and I do have to say, given the fact that DW bathrooms are used by soooooo many people, I thought that they were incredibly clean!

Nothing wrong with the woods! Monorail pylon is completely different.

I can't belive the bottle thing...that is completely uncalled for! And on a line you could easily get off of!


Active Member
We had a situation similar to that...but I think we were a little more "on the down low!"

We were on IASW and about half way through our 3 yr old daughter said, "Mommy...I have to go potty REALLY bad." We told her to hold it that we'd be off soon.

Well...right towards the end, the boats backed up and we least 6-7 boats until it was our turn to get off. She kept saying "I REALLY have to go" and then proceed to get up and start getting off the boat! I don't know where she thought she was going, but she was determined to get off that boat!

My wife has some zip lock bags in her we pulled one out, stood her up and let her go! Luckily is was dark...and we were in the back of the boat. No one saw us...thankfully. We quickly zipped the bag up, put it in the back pack and headed straight to the restroom to dump the bag. 2 years son (then 4) and daughter STILL talk about going potty in a bag!!!!!

I know it's gross...but what can you do?:ROFLOL:

Yeah, but that's quite a bit different.....and more discrete.


How about the family that decided team work to change thier kids diaper in a croweded Canada gift shop during a thunder storm was a good idea. I'm not talking discreatly either. Due to the crowds dad held the kid up by his arms so mom could change his diaper where he hung. Not only could everyone in the store see, they were standing beside the window so the few people walking in the rain got a full moon as well.


New Member
I'm not saying what the mother did was right but the child could of had a problem that meant the chances of them holding 'it' until they got to the bathroom were slim. My sister is one of the unlucky people like this who may (hopefully it wont happen) but may have to catheterise herself inline for an attraction if for some reason her bladder feels overly tight...I'd hope no one would call that gross.

if your sisters problem is serious enough you could try to talk to someone in guest services about skipping the lines. My Aunt had problems with that because she had breast cancer she was very weak and the few rides she could go on she didn't have to wait.
Y'Know Urine is Sterile....
100% true. I am currently in school to become a nurse and also work in a nursing home, so bathroom stuff rarely bothers me. However, in our society outside of a medical setting, bathroom behavior is generally considered a private matter.
If the lady in question would have turned to me and said something to the effect of my child really has to go and I hope this doesn't ruin your day, or would you mind if we stepped out of line for a minute , I think most people, especially parents would understand. I'm more bothered by the assumption by the lady that it was acceptable.
I am a super laid back person, and rarely get upset by much, but I will admit that when I'm in Disney World I kind of hopefully expect that people will be on their best behavior. Obviously this isn't always so, but I do hope for it.
If nothing else, the original poster who witnessed said event can use it as a learning tool for their kids. I know that I've given my 10 cents worth, but 2 more cents: Money doesn't = class.


New Member
that's really gross:eek: I can't believe that! I have had my boys go in a bottle but never in public!It was in the car because we were in alot of traffic and nowhere near a bathroom and they weren't happy about it. Is there nothing in this world that is private any more? There are some things that are worth getting out of line for and that's one of them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:mad: Just goes to show you that having money doesn't mean you have class.


Well-Known Member
One magical night in December we were at MK- 9 of us: 4 adults and 5 young kids. Wishes had just finished and we were in a line for the Many Adventures of Pooh. There was a beautiful family in front of us; beautiful clothes; beautifully coiffed etc. Mom with her big and very expensive bag bent over to one of her sons to hear him tell her that he no longer "could hold it". He wanted to leave the line to use the restroom. She decided that she had a better idea. As she pulled out a bottle of water from her bag, dumped the remaing water on the ground, turned to her son and allowed him to urinate into the bottle right there in the line! We were astounded and disgusted that anyone would consider that appropriate behavior! She then capped the bottle and put it into her bag. One of our kids said, "Oh gross!" The "______ mom" then turned to us with a malicious snarl as if the comment insulted her. Just another reason to carry your germX after touching miles of turnstiles and line queues all day long!
:eek::hurl::eek::hurl::eek::hurl: After a few close calls I learned to ask my kids BEFORE getting in a line, not after. How hard is that?


Well-Known Member
We had a situation similar to that...but I think we were a little more "on the down low!"

We were on IASW and about half way through our 3 yr old daughter said, "Mommy...I have to go potty REALLY bad." We told her to hold it that we'd be off soon.

Well...right towards the end, the boats backed up and we least 6-7 boats until it was our turn to get off. She kept saying "I REALLY have to go" and then proceed to get up and start getting off the boat! I don't know where she thought she was going, but she was determined to get off that boat!

My wife has some zip lock bags in her we pulled one out, stood her up and let her go! Luckily is was dark...and we were in the back of the boat. No one saw us...thankfully. We quickly zipped the bag up, put it in the back pack and headed straight to the restroom to dump the bag. 2 years son (then 4) and daughter STILL talk about going potty in a bag!!!!!

I know it's gross...but what can you do?:ROFLOL:

Maybe the people on the boat knew what was going on, but choose to not look for themselves.


I've used the bottle trick many times while on surveillance, hehe:lookaroun...

But if you think the kid in line is bad, stay away from the marathons, lol!!:zipit:


New Member
Can't you go to jail for something like that? I mean seriously I don't care how long you waiting in line that is the most discusting thing I have ever heard!! I wish she would have gotten caught!

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