You have just presented the best reason why it should remain. Folks, that have no clue what things were like just 60 years back much less 120 years back. GE was not a low quality product. It was a very good product. Even in the 50's/60's when TV's all had small screens, poor reception and a range of about 30 feet causing more snow on the screen then picture, all companies had to find a way to promote their products, not just GE. The story line made for a very good vehicle for using an entertainment venue to promote their product. To my experience GE products didn't start to be problematic until we reached what I like to call the "cheap tin age". And even then they weren't that bad. You've just been listening to GE's competitors. Every appliance made back then was meant to last. Today with the cheap tin age, it is cheaper to just replace then repair and every consumer product comes under that heading. I don't know why you have such an anger about GE, but I can tell you that if it wasn't for places like GE there would be many things we have today that just wouldn't exist. They might have faded because of bad management or spending to much money supporting Disney attractions to be profitable when the other competitors moved in and that type of promotion was not the best way to get your word out, the internet was along with improved TV and if it were not for places like GE, CoP wouldn't have ever existed to begin with. Then all we would have is a thread with a whole bunch of blank pages.
Before you say it, Neither I nor any member of my family ever worked for GE, but I was surrounded by GE products during my childhood and believe me, they were not a problem. And we should get back on topic which if I recall was CoP and not GE.