Year of a Milion Dreams Lanyards and pins


Well-Known Member
Well thank god somebody got something , We just got back last night from our 8 day stay and we covered a lot of ground non stop and only saw 2 people with golden fastpasses. I was very dissapointed in the giveaways there werent nearly as many as they claim so I am glad to see someone get something.

A lot of people have "got something" already. Just because you don't see it doesn't mean lots of items were not given out. I'm sure while you were in Tomorrowland, you could see them giving out the prizes in Main Street, Adventureland, Frontierland, Fanstasyland, World Showcase, Futurewold, Asia, Africa, Oasis, Dinoland, Hollywood Blvd, Sunset Blvd, Mickey Ave, Downtown Disney... and all the other parks around the world.

How exactly are you quantifying "there werent nearly as many as they claim" statement? Unless you're omnipresent, how do you know how many were given out?


Well-Known Member
Um, you are way overreacting. Goofyfamily didn't say that he was upset or angry, does not sound bitter, and made no mention of being disappointed with his trip. He merely said that he thought there would be more prizes handed out. Not an unreasonable thought especially if he was there during WDW's 15th birthday when a great deal of people won prizes. Maybe you should reread his post and think about your response. People in glass houses...:drevil:
Actually... he did sound upset and bitter... :D
Maybe just alittle but still nothing to be jumping on him for. course I can understand both sides of it being ive worked with people before and they can be annoying to deal with, course now im the annoying one when I go places.


Well-Known Member
that's what's tough about message boards -- you can't hear tone or see body language. One person might read into a post as being upset and angry while another might read it as an observation while a littled added disapointment. Fro now on I think we should all post a pic of ourselves to convey our mood : )


New Member
COOL! Congrats!!! :sohappy: I can't wait until we go in December... My kids are hoping for a golden fast pass...:D We will see...


New Member

:) Congrats!!! That's soo fun!! I'll be going back 12/30 until sometime in January, and i will NOT be going in to the parks with crossed fingers and high hopes to win something, because i know the odds are high, and it would just spoil the trip, and the fun that is Walt Disney World. So for everyone that wins something, congrats, and to those that don't and are bitter about it, why bother?? just stay home, your negative vibes are not needed. WDW is about having fun, being a kid again, reliving past memories (well for me at least). So just sit back and enjoy your experience. why dwell on not winning and ruining your memories?? Life's too short for that, enjoy the time you have right now. :)

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